All planets in the solar system visible at the same time – NRK Norway – News overview from different parts of the country

All planets in the solar system visible at the same time – NRK Norway – News overview from different parts of the country

– What sets us apart now is that we can see all the planets above the horizon. This will be visible from Norway, which is very interesting, astrophysicist Håkon Dahle tells NRK.

And on Wednesday evening, the distance between the planets was only 1.5 degrees. They are expected to reach their conjunctive point — their closest point — on Thursday at 10 p.m., according to the Watchman.

Experts call this phenomenon a rare astronomical event.

employment Northern Hemisphere Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars – in that order – will be visible to the naked eye.

Today's starry sky seen to the south of Oslo at 16:15.

Starry sky seen to the south of Oslo on Wednesday at 16:15.

Image: Illustration: Department of Theoretical Astrophysics / UiO

One tip

It is more difficult to spot Mercury without binoculars, as it is in a bright part of the sky.

– Norway is so far north that the planets closest to the sun, Venus and Mercury, won’t set long after the sun, says Dahle.

He recommends that people in the south of the country look for a place with a good skyline in the southwest. You can see Venus and Mercury for about a week.

– In the far south of Norway, it’s possible to catch a glimpse of Venus, but you still need binoculars to spot Mercury.

Håkon Dahle at the Scandinavian Optical Telescope (NOT) in La Palma

Håkon Dahle is an astrophysicist and researcher at the University of Oslo.

Photo: Jostein Riiser Kristiansen

On the other hand, Saturn, Jupiter and Mars will be clearly visible. These planets, along with Uranus and Neptune, will be visible for the next several months, according to Dahley.

Until next year, you can see Uranus, which is between Mars and Jupiter, and Neptune, which is between Saturn and Jupiter, with binoculars or a telescope.

meteor shower

The last time all the planets were seen in the sky at the same time was in June, but then they could not be seen from Norway.

The planets visible to the naked eye were lined up in the sky in the same order they orbit the sun: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

The last time this happened was 18 years ago.

Jupiter (left) and Saturn December 2020.

Jupiter (left) and Saturn December 2020.

Photo: Patrick T Fallon/AFP

Another important event worth catching up on is meteor shower quarters. It is expected to peak on January 3 and is known to create blue meteors at a speed of 40 kilometers per second.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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