Allsang på Grensen, Catherine Moholt

Allsang på Grensen, Catherine Moholt

HALDEN (Nettvizen): On Thursday evening, the stage was set for the final episode of the popular music show “Allsang på Grensen,” which is ending after 16 seasons.

The “Allsang” adventure ended last Saturday and, according to tradition, was recorded at Fredriksten Castle in Halden.

Just before recording, Nettavisen meets presenters, Catherine Moholt (48) and Stian Thorbjornsen (40), who say it’s sad to end the “Allsang” era.

– Cannot be recreated

For Moholt, who has been on the music show since the premiere at Fredrikston Castle, a number of memories have stuck, but at the same time there are some memories and people she thinks of most.

There are many memories, but for my part, I think a lot of those who are no longer with us, says Moholt.

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The presenter provides such musical examples as Ari Behn, Jahn Teigen and “Monroes”.

We had Jan Teigen who sang “Adjo” and “Monroe” with Evind Rullis, Lag Vosheim, and Liv-Marit Wedwick who sang “I Thought Angels Exist”. We also have Lynn Anderson and Ari Behn who are no longer with us.

– There are strong memories, it was the history of “Allsang” and could not be recreated. It’s the memories that linger, says Moholt with an open heart.

You will do this now

“Allsang på Grensen,” you know, has been recorded every summer in recent years, and the music program is probably something all Norwegians associate with the ultimate summer vibe.

But for Moholt, it would be great to be able to spend more summers with his family in the coming years.

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– I think after 16 years it would be very good to be able to completely check out and take a vacation with the family. After all, I have a little eight-year-old girl and I think it would be nice if everyone could spend their summer vacation together, Moholt says.

However, she will not reveal the plan next summer.

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– We’ll see, I’m a little reserved, says the 48-year-old.

Taken seriously

For Thorbjørnsen, the program was of great importance to him as an artist.

– For my part, I remember well the first time I was allowed to be here. It was the first TV show to take us seriously.

The presenter, aka “Staysman,” says he’s grateful that the music show gave him a chance.

– What is “rölp” is a type of common property today. Because of the TV series “Rådebank” it became more accepted, but the first to let us stand on stage on TV was “Allsang på Grensen,” says the 40-year-old and adds:

– I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I think it’s the most important music program in Norway in 16 seasons, precisely because you’re allowed to come here without being so established.

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For both Moholt and Thorbjørnsen, it was sad to score the last episode, but they both agree that it’s time to end the show after 16 seasons.

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– I think it’s great that TV 2 gave up while “Allsang på Grensen” was still a hit. We started with success and give ourselves a success, says Catherine, and adds:

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– It’s sad too, because it’s an era that’s over, but it seems fine.

For his part, Thorbjørnsen said it would not be easy to score the final episode.

– It would be strange because it was part of my summer. I’ve always told my manager and my band members that a summer without “Allsang på Grensen” is a failed summer.

He also says that recording the last episode can be difficult.

– It is, after all, the history of Norwegian music. I’m joking with Catherine saying she shouldn’t be laughing at the last show, but maybe I’m the one who will end up with her, says the humble Thorbjornsen.

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Whether Moholt or Thorbjørnsen turns to tears in tonight’s episode remains to be seen.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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