Amnesty International, Amnesty International | Six ways you can get started with AI – without being a techie

Amnesty International, Amnesty International |  Six ways you can get started with AI – without being a techie

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Artificial intelligence is not the future.

It is now.

Keeping up with developments in artificial intelligence may seem expensive. Are you standing on the sidelines without knowing how to use ChatGPT, or are you unsure what distinguishes machine learning from natural language understanding?

Maybe it feels as if the technological wave has arrived without you having time to jump on it?

Fortunately, this is not the case. The truth is, the biggest myth about AI is that it is only for engineers, developers, or technology enthusiasts with advanced degrees. In fact, AI tools are designed to be easy to use and can add value for anyone, regardless of background or area of ​​expertise.

Here are six ways you can follow and get started using AI without having to study programming.

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1. Read news and stories about artificial intelligence

Unfortunately, there is a lack of reading good Norwegian cases on AI written for you and me, and our common neighbour. Fortunately, there are some international voices that make things perfectly accessible to you and me.

Among them, you have Sinead Bovell, the futurist, who has a good ability to ask good questions – and at the same time provide answers. You will find it On TikTok .And Youtube.

You can also take a look Yan to be on X. He works for Meta, but is good at putting things in context to explain them and make them relatively accessible. The challenge is that he's very active, and there are quite a few things he's coming up with all the time, so it's a bit difficult to sift through the most important things. The same applies to this extent fi fi li, But both are worth a look. She is a professor at Harvard University, and has managed to firmly define the future in the present.

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You can also read Judy Cook at Forbes Which is the inspiration for this comment.

2. Take a (free) digital course.

There are many courses that you can pay a lot for, and some that don't cost a lot; like This simple and brilliant course at DigitalNorway.

You can also take this course from the digital learning platform (country): Elements of artificial intelligence

Here you can read more by Pål Nisja-Wilhelmsen

3. Make time to spend time on AI

Whether it's at home or at work, make sure you have the opportunity and time to experiment, play and test yourself. This is also the case, the more you use it, the more you understand.

4. Find someone to ask questions

There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of questions. So it's good to find someone you can ask questions to when you're really wondering. Maybe there is a colleague, friend or neighbor who knows a lot about artificial intelligence?

It is also possible to search the Internet (or ask the AI ​​itself), but remember that not everything you find is reliable. It is important to critically evaluate the sources you use, and choose information from reputable websites or publications.

If you're not sure, it may be a good idea to ask several people and compare answers to get a more accurate picture.

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5. Discuss artificial intelligence with friends and acquaintances

Discussing AI with friends and acquaintances is an effective and entertaining way to learn more about AI. Through conversations you can explore different perspectives and share knowledge. This can also demystify AI technology (for both you and the person you're talking to), making it more accessible and less intimidating. Have an AI coffee with someone you know.

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6. Try it yourself

There's nothing better than playing by yourself. There are many tools available for free that give you a great introduction. ChatGPT in the free version is a good start (You can find it here), or you can, for example, test Gemini from Google. It's very hard to do anything “wrong” with these, just write what you want. New AI applications, apps, and web solutions are emerging all the time, so it's possible to find something that suits your interests quite easily.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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