Annoyed by the neighbours’ ventilator

Annoyed by the neighbours’ ventilator

According to German police, the accident must have occurred in a hospital in the city of Mannheim on Wednesday evening. Here, two hospital patients, a 72-year-old woman and another 79-year-old female patient, were housed in the same room.

She wrote that the latter was connected to a respirator, as the police said she was “dependent on a supply of artificial oxygen.” picture.

The ventilator made a noise, which must have been too much for the 72-year-old roommate: Around 8 p.m., she went to the ventilator and turned it off.

– I thought the sound of the respirator was disturbing, according to the police Watchman.

It is said that staff at the hospital rushed to the room and turned the device back on. At the same time, they gave the 72-year-old a clear message that his 79-year-old colleague was relying on a ventilator to supply him with oxygen.

Vital or not, the sound from the ventilator was unbearable for the 72-year-old.

– Although the staff told the suspect that the oxygen supply was a life-saving measure, she must have turned it off again around 9pm, police say in press release.

Medical personnel again rushed into the room to provide first aid. The danger is now past the 79-year-old, but he will still need intensive care.

The 72-year-old traded his hospital room for a prison cell. Investigations are still ongoing.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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