Apple, Google | Apple and Google threaten to delete thousands of apps: download your favorites now

Apple, Google |  Apple and Google threaten to delete thousands of apps: download your favorites now

according to the edge Apple is in the process of preparing for a major overhaul of its suite of apps on the AppStore, which offers content for iPhone, iPad, AppleTV and Apple Watch.

App developers have largely received emails from Apple saying that they will remove old apps that haven’t been updated for a long time, without specifying what that means so long.

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They have been given 30 days to update the apps. If the apps are not updated, they will be removed from the online store – but they still work for those who have them installed on their mobile phones.

cleans search results

according to Ars Technica Not that the apps no longer work on new phones, but Apple wants to clean up the search results you get when you search for apps in the online store. Removing apps that haven’t been updated for a long time is an easy way to do that.

But the move has prompted a large number of smaller app and game developers to express their dissatisfaction, believing that their apps can serve as end products that don’t need updating.

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Follows Google’s procedures

Apple push comes a few weeks after that Google did something similar with Android apps.

The company has introduced new rules meaning that apps that don’t use new features released in the past two years will no longer be searchable. For its part, Google argued that this is desirable because significant changes were made to privacy and security settings.

Also on Android phones, apps will continue to be available to those who have already downloaded them. Thus, you may wish to download old favorites that you deleted if you wish to continue using them in the future.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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