Apple's tweet is revealing – ITavisen

Apple's tweet is revealing – ITavisen

One point of complaint in our review of the Apple Vision Pro is the lack of VisionOS apps, i.e. not just the iPad apps that are approved to run on the headphones.

Over 1,000 apps, but none of them are particularly good

At launch on February 2, there were 600 apps for Vision Pro, but we have a feeling, without trying them all, that many of them are less good and/or aren't even close to taking advantage of what's possible. It will take time. So far, there have also not been any “killer apps” that can help sell the expensive product that Apple is promoting to the maximum extent to consumers, which is a bit surprising.

Apple does what it can at the beginning of the product to promote rapid growth of the app library. Greg Joswiak, Senior Vice President of Marketing, marks the “X” as there are now “over 1,000 amazing spatial apps built specifically for Vision Pro, plus over 1.5 million compatible apps.” Note that Joswiak didn't specify an app he particularly likes, which is revealing, but as mentioned, not surprising. All of this is reminiscent of the launch of the iPhone App Store when the most popular apps were the kind that showed the accelerometer and touch, but were pointless.

In addition to the lack of apps that showcase the headphones' capabilities, users complain that it's difficult to find the best apps in the App Store, and developers complain that many of them fail to reach 1,000 downloads.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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