Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence | The AI ​​bot rolled the dice 6 – and then 100 Telenor employees lost their jobs

Artificial Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence |  The AI ​​bot rolled the dice 6 – and then 100 Telenor employees lost their jobs

On Wednesday it became known that Telenor will undergo a significant downsizing. Just over 100 people will lose their jobs, in addition to the company having to significantly reduce the use of temporary workers and consultants.

Read also: Telenor closes customer center in Rørvik – 35 lose their jobs: –

It has been replaced by artificial intelligence

Now the industry newspaper can Digital Tell us a little about the background to this downsizing. Part of the answer is artificial intelligence that makes humans redundant.

– Artificial Intelligence is one of the many technologies we use, such as in customer service with our award-winning chatbot Telmi. This will also reduce the need for manual chat, Telenor Norway CEO Birgitte Ingebretsen tells Digi.

“building relationships”

In February I conducted Customer service newspaper Testing of Telia and Telenor chatbots.

In this context, Telenor's chatbot has received rave reviews. In the test, the AI ​​was praised for creating a service that not only solves problems but also “builds relationships”:

“On the other hand, Telmi from Telenor shocked us.

With an opening comment that made our tester laugh out loud, Telenor immediately established a high bar.

“Not only was the conversation informative, but it was laced with a personal and engaging tone,” says one of our testers.

Particularly noteworthy is the ability to walk the user through the invoice in an interactive way.

More cost effective

After a month and a half, the message came from Telenor management that about 1 in 5 employees working in customer service should be helped to find another job.

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According to Telenor, the new chatbot is more cost-effective than manual customer service.

– As the largest telecom supplier in the country, I see it as my duty to adopt new technology so that we can meet customers' needs, the service and the solution they want, said Customer Service Manager Eli Henriette Larsen. Customer service newspaper after the test.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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