Atle Antonsen returns to “The King’s Orders”

Atle Antonsen returns to “The King’s Orders”
Atle Antonsen returns to “The King’s Orders”
A new opportunity: Atle Antonsen takes the throne in “The King Commands” again this fall.

Atlee Antonsen originally said no to “The King Commands” after last year’s accusations of racism, but in the fall he returned to the screen as King.


-It’s really cute, absolutely adorable. One of the nicest things I do is “The King’s Commands,” said Atlee Antonsen when Warner Bros. Launched in the fall on Wednesday morning, Discovery did not comment on the racial row from last year, but only allowed interviews with the rest of the “Kongen befaler” gang.

And then, he also didn’t want to answer how the past year had been for him.

In November 2022, it became known that Soumaya Gerdi Ali reported Atli Antonsen for hate speech. The prosecutor dropped the case, then appealed it, and the prosecutor eventually dropped it.

Shortly after learning of the incident, he asked to be excused from the radio show “Al-Mishan” on P4 channel. At the same time, it was also known that he retired from Discovery’s ‘King’s Orders’.

Now Antonsen is back on the throne in the upcoming fall season of “The King Commands,” after being forgiven by his employer, Warner Bros. Discovery.

– Atli Antonsen apologized. He expressed his great sympathy for Soumaya Gerdi Ali, and deeply regretted the harassment she was subjected to as a result of this case, said Hani McBride, Director of Communications for Warner Bros. Discovery when the presenter was brought back after Bård Ylvisåker came on as a substitute.

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Read also

NRK fell into PFU: good journalistic etiquette breached in the Atle Antonsen case

In March, Atle Antonsen filed a complaint against NRK with the PFU. The complaint relates to two cases: a feature on “Arena” that was posted on NRK on November 22, 2022, as well as a feature on Nyhetsmorgen from January 23 of this year.

– In general, we are not in favor of canceling the content. Nor do we support removing people from television and from the public. McBride said there should be room for forgiveness for people who have made mistakes and apologized.


Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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