Aviation, Norwegian | Trip to Tamás (40) canceled in April 2020 – no refund from Norway

Aviation, Norwegian |  Trip to Tamás (40) canceled in April 2020 – no refund from Norway

Norway did not go bankrupt, but they did not have to repay the money owed to him.

Tamás Schmidt, 40, had booked a flight from Trondheim to Budapest for the Easter holidays last year. The corona epidemic paralyzed air traffic worldwide and almost all Norwegian planes landed.

OK – he should get a refund for the tickets he spent 6,700 kroner, Schmidt thought. But the Norwegian and travel company Mytrip, where he bought the ticket, pointed to each other. The 40-year-old said he spent too much time on the phone and sent multiple emails to companies. One and a half years later, he gave up getting his money back.

– I think it is unheard of and unacceptable for the courts in Ireland and Norway to say that the Norwegian does not have to pay me back. If the company had gone bankrupt, I would have understood. But the Norwegian is still flying and making money. Why do we as customers have to pay for this? Asks Schmidt.

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34,000 did not receive full compensation

One year ago, the Norwegian filed for bankruptcy protection in Ireland and Norway, and the company completed several months of restructuring – 99.6 percent of customers in Norway received full payment for Corona canceled orders.

The Norwegian survived, but 34,000 customers were unable to receive full compensation. Thomas Schmidt was one of them. Due to the legal requirements of the Reconstruction, the Norwegian was not indebted to him for the original claim.

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Schmidt has gone from being a customer to an unsecured debtor with a claim of one percent on his original claim.

– Our family will not go bankrupt with this amount, but it’s about principles. We have paid for air tickets and it is not fair for Norway to escape without paying. We live in a world where big companies can escape from things like this and will never fly with the company again, says Schmidt.

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Norwegian: We know this is not a satisfactory solution

In the case of Norway, it is not possible to repay a customer’s claim prior to bankruptcy protection.

– The most important thing for us is our customers. So, through these processes, we are constantly working to get them back. We must regret that it is not possible within the framework set by the restructuring of a company. “We know this is not a satisfactory solution for those involved, and we regret that,” said Espen Duman, communications director for Netavicen Economy in Norway.

Duman believes it is important to differentiate Norway before and after the Reconstruction.

– While this does not help Schmidt, I would like to emphasize that this is an issue that is worth repaying from time to time. For The company was restructured and the director of communications says it does not apply for repayments after November last year.

Based on the March schedule, a five percent dividend will be paid on customer requests between June and October. Duman says the payment went mainly as planned, but some still did not provide information on how to get the money.

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Consumer Council: The card may be entitled to a complaint

Thomas Iverson of the Consumer Council told NetWizen that if he had paid by Schmidt card, he could inquire whether he had the right to withdraw the remaining 95 per cent from the bank through card complaints.

– Iverson says it will be a recovery mission if companies fail to pay as a result of bankruptcy or restructuring.

– The Norwegian is through a giant restructuring. Do you have an impression of how customers are cared for through this process?

– Customers who had repayment claims even when the company entered into restructuring were treated like other unsecured lenders, and demand was reduced. However, consumers with bonus points did not reduce the value of their points, which Iverson says is a small flash in the pan.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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