Bane stops work on dual carriageways at Nor Moss

Bane stops work on dual carriageways at Nor Moss

After repeated deviations from environmental regulations and safety rules, Ban Nor chose on Tuesday to stop all work on the new dual carriageway in Moss.

Part of the facility is the creation of a new dual carriageway by Bann Nor Moss.

Part of the facility is the creation of a new dual carriageway by Bann Nor Moss.

Ban Nor is the client for the construction of a new double track on the Østfold railway via the Moss. After several cases of non-compliance with the contract and regulations, the contractor on Tuesday asked MossIA to stop work. Technical Weekly.

– We have chosen to take the extreme step of suspending work. The reason for this is that there are no concrete, serious incidents, but at the same time there are several conditions that force us to stop the work now and close the contractor for many deviations related to quality management, environmental management. and Safety Management, Project Manager Eric Harding Hansen Lane no.

does not cancel the contract

Among other things, repeated violations of water discharge permits and conditions related to workplace safety. Ban Nor wants documentation from the contractor on how deviations are to be prevented in the future.

For industry magazine The project manager says that there is no question of terminating the contract with the contractor.

Harding Hansen could not say when work would resume on the dual carriageway. The contractor has been given a Friday deadline to come up with a plan to fix the deviations, but he would not speculate on how long it would take to actually fix them.

– Unfair

Carsten Rosskamp at MossIA writes to Teknisk Ukeblad that the company has made health, environment and safety work the highest priority in this project, but they disagree with the customer.

– In our opinion, this is unfair, Roskamp writes to TU.

The plan to construct a new double-track railway line through Pasi is being talked about a lot. Parts of the trail go through quick clay terrain. Estimates of what the project will cost have been raised several times, from NOK 6 billion in 2017 to NOK 25 billion last year.

The currently halted work will not cover the 1 km stretch of quick clay, but the other 9 km of the project.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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