Ben Queller lost his son: – In complete shock

Ben Queller lost his son: – In complete shock

Artist and founder of the band Radish, Ben Kweller, 41, shared on Instagram that he lost his son.

The son, Dorian Zev Cuyler, was only 16 years old.

The wife talks about grief

The wife talks about grief

“There is no way I can write this, but I do… Our son, Dorian Zeff Keeler, was killed last night. He was only 16 and he was a true legend.”

Furthermore, Cuyler describes her son as a “good, kind soul” and someone who was a friend to everyone.

Dorian, like his father, was a singer who wrote and recorded his own music. According to a post on his Instagram, the 16-year-old was scheduled to hold his first concert in two weeks, during the “South by Southwest” festival in Austin, Texas.

“We will never get over him as long as we are here on Earth. May you keep his spirit alive with the memories and his music,” Coehler continues, adding:

- I miss everything about her

– I miss everything about her

“My whole life has been in front of my son… I have no idea why things like this happen. We are in complete shock and don’t know what the future will bring. And Lizzie and Judas and I have no idea how we are going to deal with this tragedy.”

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The 41-year-old and his wife, Liz Smith Queller, became parents to Dorian in 2006. They also have a son, Judah, together.

Kweller has released six solo albums and collaborated with many artists, including Ed Sheeran (32) and Selena Gomez (30). He made his acting debut in the 2014 movie Rudderless.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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