Billionaires want to control us with the help of artificial intelligence – document

Billionaires want to control us with the help of artificial intelligence – document

The richest people on Earth are working together to have complete control over us ordinary humans, and the tool is artificial intelligence (AI). Seamus Bruner claims this in his new book.

Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA recently interviewed Bruner about his new book: The Controllers: Exposing the billionaire class, their secret deals, and the global conspiracy to control your life.

Broner claims in the book that a group of wealthy people, such as Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, George Soros, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, Warren Buffett, and Oprah Winfrey, as well as managers of major companies such as Cisco, the Blackstone Group, and Tiger Management are behind it.

In 2009, these powerful people met at Rockefeller University in Manhattan. The goal of the meeting was to see how they could use their vast funds to prioritize what this large elite found important, he wrote in general.

Of course they used terms like climate change and anxiety about overpopulation, but essentially this powerful group was only after one thing, according to Brunner. It’s about having complete control over what we ordinary people see, eat, think and receive information.

– They want to control every aspect of your life, from what you eat to what you see, and I mean information of course. You talk about it all the time with censorship and suppression of dissent.

This powerful group is closely linked to the World Economic Forum and bond monster Klaus Schwab. They have no loyalty to the nation of the United States, because they are clearly globalists.

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Brunner says the goal is to control the individual, in line with what we see in China. This is explained in the book in more detail.

– I go into great detail about how much they really love China, and how much they love the Chinese regime.

Intelligence services are collaborating with major technology companies to leverage artificial intelligence to completely control the population. Brunner points out that there is some concern among the elite about how the population will react when 40% of jobs disappear due to artificial intelligence.

The goal is once again a new form of feudalism, worse than ever, where most of the population will eat insects and live in climate-friendly boxes under complete surveillance, without a car and without the right to move outside the area allotted to them.

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Brunner believes that to fight such development, we must create real communities and stand together.

-We need to band together. If you are doing nothing to counter this power exerted on you, then you need to at least spread the word.

Unfortunately, time is running out, but it is not too late to act now. not yet.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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