Bird flu in Finnmark: Restaurant in Ekerøya closes its doors

Bird flu in Finnmark: Restaurant in Ekerøya closes its doors
Bird flu in Finnmark: Restaurant in Ekerøya closes its doors
Havfeston Restaurant: Here and in the area around the restaurant, owner Eva Lingvar has removed hundreds of dead birds in recent weeks.

– Dead birds and food service are not a good combination, despairs owner Eva Lyngvær.

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Avian flu is taking its toll in Finland. The pressure from the dead birds is so great that the municipality of Vadsø is now requesting the help of civil protection.

On Tuesday, 1,200 dead birds were found in the watso. In five days, 3,000 dead birds have been removed from the coastal municipality of less than 5,000 people.

– Newbies die all the time. Boys on cleaning duty call the dead birds “rain”. This is unfortunate, Assistant Municipal Director Marita Jakola Scanson tells VG.

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Death on the roof: This is what it looks like on the roof of the jetty at the yacht club near the restaurant.

Infectious bird disease also affects business life in eastern Finland.

The “Hauffestan” restaurant in Ekeroya is now forced to close its doors for the summer.

Executive director Eva Lyngvær tells VG the reason is that there have been dead birds “everywhere” outside the campus in recent weeks.

– We have birds that sit on the roof all summer. Now they die and fall to the ground. Dead birds and food service are not a good combination.

DAILY LEADER: It’s frustrating for the restaurant that the season is now over, says Eva Lingware.

– We are a seasonal business and are now only open in the summer. Now, unfortunately, we have the whole season, says Lingver.

– How bad is it?

– Hundreds of birds died here in about three weeks. When it started, that was it CrutchesCrutchesThe crickjay is a species of bird in the gull family.. But now there are other birds too.

Lyngvær says the authorities haven’t done much about the case.

– This is serious. The authorities should have done something about it when we reported an unusually high number of dead birds here two weeks ago. We have been cleaning birds for our own machine for several weeks.

iFinnmark First mentioned the subject.

All of these birds were found dead outside the restaurant on Wednesday:

Assistant Municipal Director Skansen said there are dead birds on the estuary, beach and national road in Vatso.

– We have never experienced anything like this before. At least not while I’m working here. We are in touch with the National Road Administration, which is working to ensure that the birds do not obstruct car traffic on the national road, says Skansen.

– How does it affect people?

– It curtails people’s freedom of movement. It is not good if the outdoor area is filled with dead birds massively. It’s a terrifying sight.

Large amounts: Marita Jakola Skansen, assistant municipal director in Vatso, said that in recent days it has become common for birds to be found dead in Vatso.

As mentioned, the municipality is also in contact with civil defense authorities regarding the situation.

– They have said that they will get help if needed. They are positive to contribute. So far we have done well.

– Even if it’s a joint vacation, we’ve “collected” everything we have to help. Firefighters, janitors, and teenagers at summer jobs are all working to eradicate birds. If people see that there is no one, we will ask them for help, he adds.

The eruption has continued with increased strength since the end of May. Traces of bird flu were first discovered at Bijarkoy in Harstad.

Last year Finnmark suffered from the same thing.

Gørill Høgseth, Acting Head of Finland’s Food Safety Authority, tells VG that this year’s edition affects fewer bird species, but is more dangerous.

— The sponges are severely attacked, especially the crutches. This disease is not dangerous for humans.

He says bird flu has spread all over the coast of Finnmark.

– We have received reports of dead birds being found from 14 out of 19 municipalities in Finnmark. Inland municipalities such as Karasjok and Kautokeeno were not affected.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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