Böckenschlag in Rome: The American Pope excommunicates Bischoff Strickland

Böckenschlag in Rome: The American Pope excommunicates Bischoff Strickland

Pope Francis receives Joseph Strickland, the US bishop of Tyler, Texas, of German descent. Zum vorübergehenden Verwalter des Bistums appointed is Bischof von Austin, Joe Vasquez, teilte das vatikanische Presseamt ​​​​​mit.

Joseph Strickland: Hard on social media

Strickland, Ende Abbey 2012 by Pope Benedict XVI. Zum Bischof von Tyler appointed World War I, a conservative group of ultra-conservatives from the United States-Bischöfe, which did not explode through massive criticism in the middle class – and did not fall into the den of civil society. Auf Anstoße’s topics are always questions about the role of women, dealing with sexual minorities, eine Zulassung von wiederverheirateten Geschiedenen zur Eucharistie sowie Abteribung und Klimaundation.

As in a similar world, Strickland could not be more favorable to the Vatican’s Kopfschüteln. So we are sure that Jericho March Christlicher is a nationalist in the Forfeld de Storms at the Capitol on January 6, 2021 and a renewed priest from the Corona virus. In the wake of the current World Synod, Strickland coined the phrase “Bose und falsche Botschaft.”

Verschwörungstheorien über Franziskus

Dem Papst Strickland vor, with seinen Reformasätzen “das Fand des Glaubens zu zerstören. Folgt Jesus.” There may be an action scheduled for October 31, where one of the Catholic alternatives to Donald Trump and the Petrogligenden Anmoten will be represented: Strickland Lass in a member of the Catholic Conservative Forum in Rome through a brief of his friends, from Pabst Franziskus Bischuldigit Word, das Papstamt unrechtmäßig erobert und den We need to know more about this topic. This is given in a brief introduction by Strickland: “Würdet ihr zulassen, dass derjenige, der den whern Papst verdrängt hat und ver sucht hat, auf einem Stuhl zu sitzen, der ihm nicht zusteht, nun das definiert, is the Kirche sein soll? ” “

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Visit and secret meeting in the Vatican

In June, Strickland’s religious visit to Tyler was one of the official visits, and also one of the official seminaries at the Vatican, as Strickland’s annual visit to the Central Catholic Church was just “one administrative problem.” American media reports spoke of suspicions of financial irregularities. A public meeting at the Vatican increased speculation about Strickland’s impending cancellation. The warnings expressed in the Religious News Service are not at all easy. Get this Pope Franziskus ihm die Entscheidung abgenommen.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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