Business representatives are critical of the new Corona plans
WAs many entrepreneurs have already suspected, it is now coming true. Corona restrictions will continue this fall and winter. From September, according to the plans of the Minister of Health Jens Spawn (CDU) Interiors of restaurants, hotels, hairdressing salons, cosmetic studios, fitness studios and more “3G” – only available for testing, vaccination or recovery.
At the same time, everyone who can be vaccinated must pay for the tests from mid-October. Depending on further improvements, spawn may allow vaccinated and cured people to access events and restaurants. Not a tough lock, but a semi-lock for those who have not been vaccinated: this is the new corona strategy. So far, 73 percent of adults in this country have received at least one vaccine.
As expected, new projects from Berlin were not well received by the business community. “The debate and plans are very alarming to me. With less than 20 cases in Europe, Germany lags far behind,” said Ingrid Hartges, general manager of the Doha Hotel and Restaurant Association. Other parameters should be used to assess such a situation. Corona.
He stressed that the association president and hostel owners have housing rights and refuse to vaccinate persons on their own initiative. “But in general it’s a completely different matter to control this by law or order.” In a constitutional state, actions must always be proportional. According to Hartz, leaving vaccinated people in restaurants and hotels is only a “last resort” if the infection worsens.