Call to court: – Refuses to stand

Call to court: – Refuses to stand

– She gave him false hope. He enjoys the treachery of a politician to say something completely different than the ministry believes. Attorney Olav Legraid tells Thackeray that he was in a way misled by the Prime Minister.

On May 25, Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) was called to testify in the case of John Henrik Larson, a Salangan-Nyheter editor against the state. The invitation was sent by registered mail to Soulberg’s personal address.

Lacroix, Larson’s lawyer, says the summons did not receive a response from the prime minister. Instead, he received a response from the Attorney General through the court.

The public prosecutor demanded that Solberg be cut as a witness – in July they were upheld in Oslo District Court. Lockheed appealed the decision to the Court of Appeals for the Court of Appeals.

– Erna Solberg refuses to testify, and the court approves her denial. She is a witness because she has been involved in this case in the past and supported Larson’s case. Contrary to the opinion expressed by the Government now, Says Leghrite.

– Very sad

Since 2019, John Henrik Larson has fought against the end of the Salangan municipality To reverse the decision that made it possible to seek workplace assistance from a personal assistant (PPA) who has been under his user control for more than a decade.

Larson was 36 years old and diagnosed with autism. He has been one hundred percent disabled since he was 18 years old.

He is the editor-in-chief, owner and editor-in-chief of the local newspaper Salangan-Nyheter, which is known for hot and local news from the municipality of Salangan in Troms.

Presented by the Prime Minister’s Office with the statements of Legreid.

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He met with Prime Minister John Henrik Larson several times and was impressed with the work he was doing with Salangen-Nyheter. John Henrik is very upset that he ended up in conflict with the municipalities about his follow-up offer.

Secretary of State Rune Alstadsetter writes in an email to Thackeray in the Prime Minister’s Office.

– We have been waiting for a long time for it to be resolved between the parties. But neither the Prime Minister’s Office nor the Prime Minister is informed of the factual matters that are important to the issues to be decided by the District Court, he continues.

In the case against the state

Larmson filed a lawsuit against the state in the Ministry of Health and Care Services after the state executive of Troms and Finmark upheld the municipality’s decision. He himself believes that the BPA program is a prerequisite for his daily work in the newspaper.

Dagbladet has read testimony and several case documents. In the summons, Legreed writes to Solberg:

Editor: John Henrik Larson has been 100 percent disabled since he was 18 years old.  He is the editor-in-chief, owner and principal director of the local newspaper Salangan-Nyheter.  Photo: TV3
Editor: John Henrik Larson has been one hundred percent disabled since he was 18 years old. He is the editor-in-chief, owner and principal of the local newspaper Salangan-Nyheter. Photo: TV3
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“I know that you are involved in many stages of this case and that you may have relevant information to the court. You are called as a witness.”

However, the public prosecutor’s intervention request states that “the prime minister is Solberg.” No. Contains information on important facts of the case. “

– False expectations

The public prosecutor has filed a petition in the Ministry of Health and Care Services seeking the release of the state and payment of legal costs.

If Larson does not win his case, Legraid will file a supplementary claim that he does not have to pay legal costs.

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Solberg’s earlier statements about Larson’s case to the media – and the background told to Larson directly.

The prime minister met with Larson in a televised interview TV2 In 2019, after the municipality first made the decision, Larson has now taken the court.

– It is entirely possible for the municipality to expand it beyond what they have explained. I agree with Handicapforbundet that there are no restrictions from the state on how much you spend or how many hours you pay. What we said was that there should be freedom to choose to get a BPA program, Solberg told the channel.

This, Lersen believes, gives Larsen the impression that the Ministry of Health and Care Services will support the teacher’s case.

“Big sister”

According to Logride, Solberg has expressed himself contrary to the position taken by the state through the public prosecutor.

The Attorney General, for his part, insists that Solberg’s statements “fully comply with the State’s view of the legal provisions announced in this case.”

– The public prosecutor supports the decision of the municipality, while the Prime Minister said on TV that the municipality can consider this in more detail. Soulberg has publicly expressed his support for the MIKI Center, and we should assume that he later served as Prime Minister, Lagride says.

The MIKI Center is a private company that aims to contribute to the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities by providing work experience in Salangan-Nyheter.

According to TV2, when the job training center was established by Larson in 2016, Solberg is said to have emerged as the “big sister” of the project.

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– What is really in her Mickey Center “big sister”, we think it is an interesting real question to shed light on this case.

Indicates infection

In principle, everyone who can provide information about a case is obliged to appear in court if called as a witness. However, it will not be available to you if you receive a court ruling that the witness was disconnected.

In the Oslo District Court judgment, you can read:

“This case is important to Larson, but the court believes that the potential value of the diploma and the harm caused to the Prime Minister and the nation by the current corona epidemic should be denied to witness Solberg.”

– I think this is utterly hopeless rationality. The district court has taken Solberg’s argument that there is nothing to add to the case for good fish. We have appealed to the court because we believe that this verdict goes too far in anticipation of what Solberg will say in court. Legreth says the content of Solberg’s description will be audited in advance.

The public prosecutor said in a summons letter that neither the prime minister nor the government had ever been involved in Larsen’s administrative case and that the state had no decision-making power in the case.

“Solberg’s knowledge of Larson does not mean that she has nothing to add to the truth of the important case – especially when it comes to reconsidering the application of the law in this case,” they write.

Attorney Kaija Begeland told the public prosecutor that the public prosecutor had no further comment.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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