Askøy Volunteer Centers and partners invite you to a great activity day in Kleppestø
After a round of applications, we have been selected to stage the Generation Games in 2023 with the help of the Center for Age Friendly Norway. It will be a great day of play and fun for all Askøyværingers, regardless of age!
“We believe that Generation Games is an exciting and fascinating concept that provides space for interaction between all actors in the municipality. We are now working on forming a multidisciplinary project group of committed Ashøy væringers who would like to organize Generation Games with us.” Tell Tina Dale and Asa Hamri from Askøy Volunteer Centres.
A meeting place for diversity and inclusion
Replicating the success achieved since 2022, Age-Friendly Norway and the Norwegian Volunteer Centers have invited the country’s municipalities and volunteer centers to apply for help and support to plan a new round of Generation Games in 2023.
In age-friendly Norway, there should be meeting places and squares where all generations can meet through different activities. By making it possible to organize Generation Games in more Norwegian cities and towns, we want to contribute to this. We are very happy to have Askøy involved,” says Ann Perrett.
Regardless of age and physical condition
Generation Games is an event with activities that contribute to diversity and inclusion across generations, where volunteering in collaboration with the municipality is at the center. The activities are mainly physical, but everyone should be able to participate – regardless of physical conditions.
Participating teams must be at least two generations old, but do not have to be a “family team” in any way. Here you can invite a good neighbor or student friend with you.
Now we need help from different teams, organizations, the business world, and other enthusiasts to plan out what the next generation games should look like. ¬There are opportunities and space for everyone who wants to contribute, whether as a volunteer at the event itself, sponsor, game/activity administrator, or as part of a project group,” says Tina Dale.
Moreover, we are very fortunate to have brought both Kleppestø Senter and Ringo Kleppestø into the team.” Issa Hamri adds. “We already have a good and well-established collaboration with Kleppestø Senter from previous projects, and we are glad that they want to take part in the Generation Games on Saturday, August 28th.
Cecil Stillwell (Director of Marketing and Design, Kleppestø Senter) enthusiastically says that; “Kleppestø Senter wants to be a local arena and we look forward to being part of such a great concept as Generation Games”
We hope Askøyværingers are ready to party and want to contribute to a day full of games and fun!
contact information
Municipality: Tina Dale, Director of the Volunteer Center (Herdla),
Center for Age-Friendly Norway: Ann Berrett-Rafus, Project Director,
924 67192
Read more about Generation Games and Center for Age-Friendly Norway at
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