Canadian province imposes special tax on non-vaccinators – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

Canadian province imposes special tax on non-vaccinators – NRK Urix – Foreign news and documentaries

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The new health tax will be implemented in the coming weeks.

– We are working on a plan for adults who refuse to be vaccinated, because they are a financial burden for all Quebecers, says provincial premier François Legault.

Last week, the government introduced a requirement to provide vaccination certificates for shopping in state cannabis and liquor stores.

The prefecture also imposes a curfew from 10 pm to 5 am.

The announcement comes after the county recorded the highest number of coronary-related deaths in the country. Yesterday, 62 new deaths were recorded.

More than 12,000 died in total in Quebec’s writings BBC.

Quebec has and remains one of the provinces in Canada with the highest number of daily infections. Yesterday, 8,710 new infections were recorded. The hospital has 2,742 coronary-related admissions.

10 percent of the county’s residents have not yet received a single dose of the vaccine. Legault says it shouldn’t cause harm to the other 90 percent who have been vaccinated.

Legault notes that the unvaccinated portion makes up 50 percent of hospital patients who need intensive care.

He explains that people who have not been vaccinated for medical reasons will be exempted from the new tax.

My taxes can be divisive

Keri Bowman, professor of bioethics, and a lecturer in global health at the University of Toronto, sees many challenges in implementing a health tax on the unvaccinated.

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– This tax can cause a huge division, how much do you want to put pressure on people? He tells the Canadian newspaper Toronto star.

He believes the new tax has undermined what Canadians like to see as the foundation of their healthcare system

The health system does not judge what kind of behavior we like or dislike in patients. This is the origin of Canadian health law, and ethics underpin the law.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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