Catherine Moholt out of ‘Do We Dance: All Stars’ – VG

Catherine Moholt out of ‘Do We Dance: All Stars’ – VG
PASO: Catherine Moholt had help from not one, but two dance partners.

During Saturday’s broadcast, many of the old participants returned to swing on the dance floor.


The competition heats up in Shall We Dance: All Stars.

With only five pairs left, during the evening’s broadcast, the old contestants were brought in to dance with the pairs.

Plus, the celebrity had to nail in a dance sequence.

For Katrine Moholt and Tarjei Svalastog, it was the last time they swung on the floor, at least in this “All Stars” season.

– I am very happy and very honorable, she says.

– He was incredibly cute and adorable, Moholt says of his ability to dance with his partner Svalastog.

“Now thank you for the biggest “Shall we dance” profile ever,” said program director Anders Hoff, who also led the show with Moholt from 2017-2021.

Moholt, with the exception of one season, is the same host of “Skal vi danse” from 2011 until last year, according to The great Norwegian encyclopedia.

After the votes of thousands of houses and the votes of the judges were combined, Catherine, Tarji, Nate and Nadia had to engage in a duel.

We want everyone to continue, says Judge Dehli Cliff.

She has calculated a bit of her own points for the couple, and says there are two points in between.

– But tonight goes to Nate, she says after the husbands have finished their dueling dances.

Lingjærde says it is “ruthless” to have to choose between them.

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– Do you want an answer? By now, it could have been Nate, she says.

All about tonight’s dancers:

Catherine Moholt and Tarje Svalastog with Carsten Skelbrid-Paso Doble to “Espana Cani” (Real Orchesta Sinfonica de Seville)

Moholt was the first to swing on the floor with the help of Skjelbreid, who danced with her through the toilet several years ago.

The judges were very happy with the Paso Doble.

– You handled being three very well. Sometimes your shoulders rise too much. All in all, very well executed by Paso Dobley, Trine Dihli Cliff said after the dance.

– You are good, this is absolutely indisputable. “The only thing I miss is that you have some stiffness in the neck,” said Merritt Lingard, who noted that she was hypersensitive.

Judge’s Score: 26

Samba: Alexander Hetland has received good feedback on samba.

Alexander Hetland and Helen Sackpling with Grund Meyer – Samba to “Don’t Call Me” (Mabel)

The next Triple Flower also received good feedback from the judges, but it lacked, among other things, more emotion.

– Oh, my God, I’m so impressed! Morten Hegseth shouted after the dance.

Dehli Cliff agrees with Hegest.

– What I see is good quality at the samba level. The only small thing now is that you have to raise your upper body.

Lingjærde has joined the ranks of satisfied judges, but he also has some criticism to offer.

You have to let go of this technique a bit to make room for the emotions.

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Judge’s Score: 26

Nathan “Nate” Kahongo and Nadia Khametskaya with Thea Ness-Paso Doble for “Run Boy Run (Walkid)”

Lingjærde bragged about Kahungu after the dance.

– You wouldn’t have a beautiful intense Paso Double if you weren’t a working talent. This was the Basu that I enjoyed.

However, Cliff was not happy.

– I think you have a lot of the same expression all the time.

Judge’s Score: 28

Jurgen Massa Vasstrand and Santino Merina with Attlee Petersen-Salsa to “My Gent” (Beyoncé Baldvin)

With the help of Pettersen, Vasstrand danced a salsa dance which was welcomed by the rulers.

Incredibly delicious and delicious sauce. Daily Cliff said after the dance a lot of cool tricks that happily went well.

Lingjærde hoped that in the future Vasstrand would dare to relinquish control a little more, but he was well satisfied.

– I like you very much as a person. You are a strong woman. At the same time, sensuality stands out, you have a technique and a way to use your legs admirably.

Judge’s Score: 28

Genghis Al and Ricky Lund with Ida Gran Jansen – Salsa to “Help” (Jacks Jones)

The man of order was Genghis Al who also danced salsa.

– You enter the stage and step out of your body as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Lingjærde said everything possible was top notch.

On the other hand, Daily Cliff has come under some criticism.

– She admitted that it is difficult to find something that you do not like.

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– This was urban sauce. I would like a little partnership. I think there was a lot of Genghis show.

Judge’s Score: 29

Latin sequence

After the pairs danced, he was ready for a dance relay where all the pairs danced together.

Only three of the couples got points from the judges. The worst couple didn’t get points.

The scoring scale went from 1 to 5.

The couple with one point are Jurgen and Santino.

Second place went to Nate and Nadia.

Genghis and Ricke won the relay by five points.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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