Die discussions bei der Herbstvollversammlung der Deutschen Bischofskonferenz This Woche conference in Wiesbaden warns of Vernehmen nach sachlich, but controversy.
The repair process: chance or error?
The “Synodale Weg” should lead to greater mutual determination of all believers and greater transparency and transparency in the reform of the Catholic Church. 2018 and 2023 were created by Bischöfe und Laien Gemeinsam Grundlagen für Veränderungen.
The Catholic Church is stuck in crisis: more than half a million churches were left alone in the previous year. Viele Gemeinde seeks neuen Lösungen.
09/27/2023 | 03:12 minutes
Synodalen Auschoses Finance Function
After there was an episcopal primate foretelling the reform, it became clear, as at the end of the “Synodal Acts” in March 2023. The templates must specify the exact “Synodaler Ausschuss”. Bischöfe aus Köln, Passau, Regensburg and Eichstätt were sent to Gremium in June by the financier Unterstützung. This may be the case with your Vatican’s home, such as this, and this project will stop.
Der Vorsitzende der Bischofskonferenz, Bishop Georg Bätzing, explained in Wiesbaden, in order to obtain low financing, from the Ausschuss, bestehend aus Laien und Bischöfen, it will be planted in the month of November of work.
In addition, the Bischofskonferenz was already working with the Texten des Synodalen Weg. They joined the Central Committee of the German Catholic Church through the working group Hand Company for Segnung von “Paaren die sich lieben”. There should be no change in the system or it should be more diverse.
How big is the pressure for reform within the church?
There is a price in the market for the whole year, and then there is a change in the Weltbischofssynode in the Vatikan teilheinen, and the Hoffnungen of Schnelle Reformen. Visitors emphasized Bischof Bätzing, dass der Druck, Veränderungen anzugenhen, groß sei. Zuglich emphasized Bertram Mayer, Augsburger Bischof, as “one of the great reformers of the Church.”
Here we go to Jahren with a catholic home and another so-called synodalen weggendet. There is no need to change the size of the Ergebnisse and Reform.
11.03.2023 | 01:54 minutes
Strong Uneinigkeit Internalhalb der Kirche
The reform progress in Deutschland is on the way to Passauer Bischofs Stefan Oster does not have to live in Beratungen in Rom. These are the external polarizations: zwischen der Church in Deutschland und Rom, unter den Bischöfen und unter den Gläubigen.
Oster heads to Minderheit der Deutschen Bischöfe, on the synodal route to Anfang an Kritisch Sahen. He joined Bischöfen Meier, Bätzing, Münsteraner Bischof Felix Genn and Essener Bischof Franz-Josef Overbeck at the synod in Rom teilheinen.
The Synod of Rome sets course for 2025
There is a lot of love in this place and in the world in the Vatican. There is an important message in this area. This year, when we arrived in 2025, we would like to see each other, we would like to open the door and die for more information.
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