Champion of Champions – Explained

Champion of Champions – Explained

It is quite clear that performance is affected by lack of sleep and rest is important. “I thought it was very relaxing sleeping with Tyrell,” Camilla Gersem, 30, tells Dagbladet.

She is one of the 10 athletes who this year helped push the boundaries to win the title defined in the NRK song “Master of Masters”.

This year's participating house adorns the top of a rock in Lindesnes, with a stunning view of the Njervesfjord. The luxurious southern villa offers a large outdoor area, a private pool for participants, and a total of six bedrooms.

However, only four rooms were used during filming of the 15th season of the hit show.

As in previous seasons, the sports stars themselves do not choose where they will sleep or who they will share a room with. They are pre-zoned, and the time they have to sleep and recover in the same room fades away. Most of them even share the same bed.

Welfare: Master of Masters contestants Tyrell Eickhoff and Astrid Ørnholdt Jacobsen show off the villa they lived in while taping the show in Lindesnes. Video: Red Runner
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Choose the single bed

– Sharing a room with someone you are not used to sharing a room with can disturb your sleep so much that it may affect your level of performance, doctor and sleep researcher, Björn Bjorvatn, tells Dagbladet.

But there's no indication that it was a positive thing for the athletes to have them near and dear to this year's season.

“I'm used to sleeping with someone who has a little longer hair than you,” says Anders Auckland, 51, laughing from the double bed he shares with Stian Sivertzen, 34.

We were allocated a triple room with the shooter, Uli-Christian Brenn (34 years old), Auckland and Sivertzen.

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“I was somewhat aware that I slept better in a single bed than in a double bed with someone else,” Brin tells Dagbladet, who admits that he chose the single bed for a reason. He adds:

– It was for sleeping alone, yes. I actually thought about it, I sleep better alone.

Their rooms: Anders Auckland (51), Ole Christian Brenn (34) and Stian Sieverzen (34) shared a room in the season

Their rooms: Anders Auckland (51), Ole Christian Breen (34) and Stian Sievertzen (34) shared a room on this year's season of Mr. Champions. Photo: NRK
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Sleep expert, Ståle Pallesen, believes that the quality of sleep in “Master of Champions” will vary greatly from one participant to another, depending on what they prefer or are used to before.

He says what can often cause sleep disturbances is noise and movements, or if people with different circadian rhythms sleep together.


The sleep expert also stresses the importance of participants getting optimal sleep to recover well and be able to perform their best in competitions.

– It's about motivation and that they don't necessarily have the strength to push themselves in the same way if they don't sleep well, says Balesin to Dagbladet.

Although after the first night Auckland was able to confirm that Sivitsyn was snoring, it did not pose a problem for him.

Sleep is very important during competitions and during training. I think this applies whether you are an athlete or not. Sleep may be more important than many people think, but sharing a bed with Stian was great, Auckland tells Dagbladet, adding:

– I have been participating in training sessions and competitions since I was 12-13 years old, and you always live close to several people in the same room. I think this is something all athletes are used to.

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– Can be affected

Participants have already fought their way through a number of competitions in this year's season. Some even surprised themselves by becoming winners in branches they never imagined would do so well.

– You get tired from doing competitions all day, so it's not difficult to sleep in the evening either, says Gersem to Dagbladet, who was the winner of the topic during the “Råskap” week.

This year's participants: Anders Auckland (from left), Tyrell Eckhoff, Stjan Sievertzen, Astrid Ørnholdt Jacobsen, Ole-Christian Brenn, Camilla Gersem, Marit Malm Fråfjord, Terje Håkonsen, Birgitte Lersbriggen and Pål-Andre Helland.  Photo: Alice Asplund, Nordic Banjay/NRK

This year's participants: Anders Auckland (from left), Tyrell Eckhoff, Stjan Sievertzen, Astrid Ørnholdt Jacobsen, Ole-Christian Brenn, Camilla Gersem, Marit Malm Fråfjord, Terje Håkonsen, Birgitte Lersbriggen and Pål-Andre Helland. Photo: Alice Asplund, Nordic Banjay/NRK
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Football coach and former footballer, pal Andre Helland (34), shared a room with Terje Hakonsen (49). Helland had become accustomed to having a roommate throughout his playing career, and thought it would be fun to sleep with the figure skater.

– I am a father of young children and I had two children at home, so sleeping with Terry was just a luxury, he tells Dagbladet.

It worked

NRK's ​​project editor for Mesternes mester, Pia Basberg, says there were two rooms that were not used during the recording. One room was used as a backup in case of illness, while the other, unused room functioned poorly as a bedroom, according to NRK.

Passberg explains that many athletes are used to sleeping in rooms with other teammates when they are outside.

– That the participants sleep in the same room is in any case part of the “Champion of Masters” concept. It has worked perfectly for 15 seasons.

It also emphasizes that it is a classic reality to involve television viewers in what happens outside competitions.

– Having athletes share rooms and meals is an important and special part of “Master of Masters” – it builds unity and friendship, and means viewers get to know the participants better, Passberg concludes.

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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