Charging an electric car in the cabin – warns of horrific prices for cabin charging

Charging an electric car in the cabin – warns of horrific prices for cabin charging

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(Elbil24): Autumn vacation is approaching for many of us, and likely to be pricey for many — especially if it comes to driving in a car with an internal combustion engine. One thing is higher fuel prices, the other is higher toll rates in many places.

But even you who own an electric car and live in southern Norway had a few more financial factors to consider than before. Thanks to the subsidy of electricity, charging an electric car at home is still cheap, but if you have to fast charge on the way to the cabin, it has become more expensive lately.

Provides an example of horror

Many have also installed a cargo box in the cabin, but shipping when you arrive can be very expensive this winter, the Norwegian Cabin Federation warns.

Cabin Tours Will Be Expensive: The Norwegian Cabin Association, represented here by General Secretary Odon Bringsfor, believes many people will be stopping for cabin tours this fall and winter.  Photo: Liv Magny Fleamen

Cabin Tours Will Be Expensive: The Norwegian Cabin Association, represented here by General Secretary Odon Bringsfor, believes many people will be stopping for cabin tours this fall and winter. Photo: Liv Magny Fleamen
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Several of them launched a scenario with an average price of electricity that could rise, at worst, to more than NOK 10 per kWh in the fall and winter. Since the cab is not covered by the electric support system, that means hundreds of pounds fly by quickly if you plug in the electric vehicle when you arrive.

The Norwegian Cabin Association has calculated that it will cost NOK 693 to charge a Tesla Model Y from 10 to 80 percent in the cabin, with a kWh price of NOK 10 + VAT and online rental. In addition, there is a risk that the network rent will increase even more if you use a lot of electricity at the same time.

I think a lot of people will stay at home

If you’re shipping at home, the energy subsidy will ensure that the cost of shipping will cost NOK 144 – so the cost of shipping in the cabin will be five times higher. In addition, there are costs associated with everything else you use for electricity in the cabin.

– There will likely be many more people choosing to stay home this winter, says General Secretary Udon Bringsfor of Norsk Hyttelag, and concludes with a sigh:

– But why the government thinks it is so much better that we charge the electric car and take a shower at home rather than in the cabin, it is difficult to understand.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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