Children of Putin’s leaders refuse to mobilize in Ukraine – VG

Children of Putin’s leaders refuse to mobilize in Ukraine – VG
Putin Tops: TV Prime Minister Mikhail Misgestin with Vladimir Putin, on the right Speaker Dmitry Peskov with Putin.

A YouTube channel summoned the sons of two of Vladimir Putin’s closest associates – both of whom refused to attend the mobilization. At the same time, many people want advice on how to avoid being sent to Ukraine.


President Vladimir Putin announced, on Wednesday, “partial mobilization.” According to Defense Minister Serge Sjogo, there will be 300,000 new soldiers in the first place – but there may be more as time goes on.

she was YouTube channel “Populjarnaja Politika”who has ties to jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny, who has ventured with the sons of Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov and Prime Minister Mikhail Misgustin.

It is the independent Russian media Medizone Which tells about how the presenter of the program Dmitry Nezovtsev and his people were called in the live broadcast.

YouTube channel: It was this program on Wednesday that tried to contact the children of a number of prominent figures in the Kremlin regime.

They pretended to be employees of the Military Registration and Recruitment Office and offered these to come to the recruitment centers as part of the mobilization.

The one who, according to the YouTube channel, is the son of Dmitry Peskov, Nikolai (32 years old), refused to come to the employment office.

Undoubtedly the danger

– If you know that I am Mr. Peskov, then you should understand why I am not there, he replied, promising to “solve this problem on another level.”

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His father Dmitry Peskov commented on the conversation for the Telegram channel “Bodgom”. He says the “semantic part” of the interview with his son has been removed.

– I have no doubt that it is the only right choice. Nor is it, Peskov says.

Opponents: Opposition leader Alexei Navalny and President Vladimir Putin.

Naming the son of Prime Minister Mikhail Misjestin Alexig (23). The presenter asked if he “wanted to go to the front”, “not to the front” – but signed up for reserve with a view to future mobilization.

Misgoten’s son responded that he is currently studying for a master’s degree and “has no desire to fight yet”.

They are not politicians

“Otkrytije Media” wrote “Otkrytije Media” Misyutin’s sons, Alexig and Alexander, who study at the prestigious Bauman University in Moscow in 2020. From what VG understood, the Misyutin family did not comment on the phone conversation on the YouTube channel.

It is already clear that politicians in both chambers of Parliament cannot be called up to serve as soldiers, according to reports RIA Novosti. It is not clear if this also applies to the presidential administration, as Dmitry Peskov himself said in an interview on Wednesday. Peskov himself did not respond to reporters’ questions on Wednesday about whether Russia’s borders would be closed to prevent people from escaping from the crowd.

Protests: Riot police, OMON, relocate a demonstrator in Moscow on Wednesday night.

It has been reported Full flights from Russia. The countries where Russians can go without a so-called “foreign passport” are Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Armenia. She said several sites How to avoid They are summoned by mobilization, while the jurists question much in the matter from the Kremlin.

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– Now tickets for all these countries are sold out, you will not be able to travel there for the next three days, says Anastasia Burakova, an organized founder that helps people leave Russia as a result of the war according to Nastogastgy Freemja.

With a foreign passport, but without a visa, Russians can go to Turkey, Montenegro, Serbia and Azerbaijan, among other countries.

VGTV: Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the mobilization of the reserve forces in a pre-recorded video.

– Ready for the worst

It is currently unclear who will be called now, but Pavel Chekhov, head of the organization “Agora”, which helps recruits, says on his Telegram page that it is likely that he was the first to be recruited and signed a contract to be a reserve, which was first mobilized.

– But why would they call 300,000 men if there were 6,000 killed, says Shoigu, asks lawyer Alexei Bryanichnikov, according to Nastoyash Vremya.

– I want to prepare for the worst possible scenario, which is the refusal of all men, regardless of their age, to leave the country, continues the lawyer.

Commissar of War of the Yakutia Region He says on Thursday that the monthly salary For those mobilized it will be 35,000 NOK per month – well above the normal Russian monthly salary.

Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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