Church, Kvinsdale | Serve swung in the hot sun

Church, Kvinsdale |  Serve swung in the hot sun

It gradually became a tradition to have an outside church service as a kind of gracious end to the expatriate festival. This year, the Grand Theater in Nisgaata was used.

Fishing trip in the sun

Parish priest Dag A. Kfarstein lawn service featuring country gospel music.

The sun was baking on the asphalt in Nisgatta as Reverend Dag A. Kfarstein about his transformation into men’s hunters.

For safety, a large tent was moved up for everyone to sit in the shade.

Kfarstein’s message was that to be a believer means to go hand in hand with the incredible and the impossible.

swing rhythms

With him on stage, Kfarstein had an excellent team of musicians and singers who really got the hymn moving.

– said the hour of the day, Anne-Kristen Rosland. It’s almost hard to stand still in the back.

You may not be alone in this. If there was more life in the solid Norwegian bodies this morning, the soul wouldn’t be surprised. Sometimes you thought you were in New Orleans.

Lead singers Irene Sandtorff and Caro Le Roosevatn drew the audience at least to join in the rhythmic singing and clapping.

Many thought the service was an absolute highlight. At least the temperature was.

Great service unfortunately collided with events at Siron Dal. Otherwise, there would definitely have been more than 100 people present.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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