ClevAir will challenge the conservative market in construction: loading with Skagen veterans and green cuts

ClevAir will challenge the conservative market in construction: loading with Skagen veterans and green cuts

The basis of the ventilation setup is the continuous measurements of carbon dioxide level, temperature, humidity and radon. As of today, ClevAir uses Norwegian Airthings as a supplier, but the company could also use others.

The origin is the possibility of using sensors and wireless communication to retrieve control data from buildings. We’re getting this data into our software so heating and ventilation can be optimized, says Gabrielsen.

Investor: Skagen veteran Åge Westbø. Photo: private

Regulates air and heat

– What we’re selling is an opportunity to run buildings more efficiently. A large part of a building’s energy consumption is heating, ventilation and air conditioning, also called HVAC, says Rikke Werge Nilsen, ClevAir’s director of marketing.

Gabrielsen estimates that about 40-60 percent of energy consumption.

– In many cases, ventilation and heating are set statically, meaning they change throughout the day at specific times. What we do is like adjusting the ventilation system every five minutes. In a shopping center, for example, we can regulate the amount of air and heat that needs to enter the building depending on how many people are there, Gabrielsen says.

Møbelringen, Bodø Red Cross and bus company Nobina are some of the clients.

For example, Nobina uses a ClevAir solution to improve heating and ventilation in one of its bus garages, workshops, and offices.

– Organized automatically

The result is energy savings of between 20 and 25 percent, says Vierge Nielsen.

Sales volume was about the same as in 2021. After seven years in the market, there is still nothing in the accounting numbers to indicate profitability and skyrocketing growth.

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We are in the investment phase. According to plan, last year’s result was negative, Gabrielsen says.

– If customers can save a lot of money by using your product, why does it take so long to grow?

– This is primarily due to the fact that the market is very conservative. It is the tenants who receive lower electricity bills while the owner of the building invests. But at the same time, we see tremendous interest. With many clients, we focus on one building first because the client wants to gain experience before entering more buildings. Gabrielsen says the development is very positive.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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