Climate meeting in Glasgow – Climate roar from most people

Climate meeting in Glasgow – Climate roar from most people


Convincing opinion polls should give the world’s political leaders a backhaul.

Target: Glasgow climate activists.  Extreme climate measures have significant support, according to polls.  Photo: Agence France-Presse / NTB

Target: Glasgow climate activists. Extreme climate measures have significant support, according to polls. Photo: AFP/NTB
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boss: This is an editorial from Dagbladet, and expresses the views of the newspaper. Dagbladet’s political editor is responsible for the editorial.


Since then it is known Now it’s normal people’s turn, let’s put our ears to the ground and listen. Or, more precisely, we urge the world leaders who gather these days in Glasgow to connect on the planet themselves, to focus, to listen to Earth, to listen attentively. Because according to a number of polls from around the world, the climate roar is now getting louder from ordinary people. From all over the world, people demand more than words. They are calling for drastic climate action now, immediately. So let’s hope it’s really normal people’s turn now.

zzz: During the UN climate summit COP26 in Glasgow, it may seem as if President Joe Biden was struggling to keep his eyes open. Video: The Washington Post
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according to the world The most comprehensive climate survey ever conducted by the United Nations Development Program reported that two-thirds of residents in 50 countries say the climate issue is a global crisis. Among young people aged 14-18, 69 percent believe we are facing a global crisis. But seniors aren’t far behind in the important honor, with 58 percent saying the same. The survey included more than one million respondents.

Another poll The BBC, which covers 31 countries, shows that 56 per cent want their governments to implement more radical climate goals as quickly as possible, while 36 per cent think it will be more gradual – as now – and only 8 per cent do not want any Procedure. And is there a difference in education or class, as many believe? No. In the UK, 43 per cent of those who self-identify as working class are very concerned. While the figure for those who self-identify as middle-class is roughly the same, 46 percent. Measurements show that climate change is what worries people most in Europe, more than Corona and the economy.

We are talking about Very convincing numbers. than most people. But confidence in politicians’ ability to implement is low. The numbers also show deep skepticism about the ability of our political leaders to implement the necessary climate measures, as they are on the table in Glasgow. The agents of politicians in democracies are us, the people. The signal we are sending to the Glasgow Climate Summit is unmistakable. Most people understand the dangers of doing too little too late. They – that is us – want more radical climate policy now.

Our leaders must stop being an expanding fox of history. We – how busy Dagbladet is – expect and demand more from our leaders.

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Jabori Obasanjo

Jabori Obasanjo

"Coffee trailblazer. Certified pop culture lover. Infuriatingly humble gamer."

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