Climate The new show campaign of Al Kajoub Butcher: – Unmusical and clumsy

Climate  The new show campaign of Al Kajoub Butcher: – Unmusical and clumsy

There is little left for the development of the electronics chain in the marketing of “Climate Days”.

This week many received a newsletter from Elkjøp titled “Climate Days in Elkjøp”. Peter Jolly was one of those who received the Monday morning newsletter. He is a 12-year-old founder, champion of sustainable brands and One of the people behind the Greenwashing poster.

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he calls himselfAn imperfect climate activist and an unprepared climate optimist », and they think “Elkjøp climate days” have something to do with the climate, as most people recognize the term. The newsletter didn’t do that at all. The flyer included marketing for air purifiers and heat pumps, because “a good indoor climate is more important than many people think,” she says.

– What’s going on in the #$@!% here?

So Julie ran out quickly LinkedIn has unpleasant words about the electric giantSince the newsletter was sent on the same day the Glasgow Climate Summit (COP26) began. to me Campaigns He wrote this first.

– What in # $ @ !% Is what’s going on here, O Kajoub »? He asks and continues with a question for his followers: “Too cynical or completely unmusical?”

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But on Tuesday afternoon, language use declined somewhat, and the following appears on your LinkedIn profile on Gulli.

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– What’s going on here then Elkjøp Norge AS? ‘Climate Days’ unrelated to the climate crisis launches on the same day as #COP26 ??? Not very musical. I thought you’d have cared better after all the noise around the green weekend that also didn’t have the green shift.

He maintains that the wording was much stronger on Monday, but tells Tuesday evening why he changed the publication.

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– It is true that it has been changed. The impression can be given that I thought Elkjøp did so consciously. I don’t necessarily think so. But I insist it’s unmusical and clumsy to send emails with climate days in the morning, the same day COP26 starts, Julie tells Nettavisen.

campaign confirm The climate activist says he’s talked a lot with Elkjøp, and that they’re also doing a lot of good.

Just by chance

Kajoub understands little criticism. Among other things, they say the following Campaigns:

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– It’s not about timing around the Climate Summit, we didn’t get feedback before Kampanje called the Climate Summit today, and that our clients might have misunderstood this in earlier times. Our work to reduce the climate footprint of our companies and products goes far beyond using puns in our marketing, Director of Communications Madeline Schoen wrote in an email to Campaigns.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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