Consumer and Economy | Vipps' big change

Consumer and Economy |  Vipps' big change

(The newspaper online): Apple recently announced several updates to the iPhone and the App Store. Perhaps the biggest news is that Apple is opening up its NFC chip to third parties, according to engadget Your side.

NFC stands for “Near Field Communication” and is related to short-range communication. When you pay with your mobile phone at a card terminal, as with Apple Pay, your phone uses its own NFC chip.

Previously, the NFC chip was locked and could only be used with Apple Pay. This change gives DNB, Sparebank1, Vipps and others the opportunity to offer their own solutions for contactless payments on iPhone.

– We have fought for a long time so that people can freely choose the payment solution they want. That's why there was great jubilation with us last Friday, when the European Commission shared the news that Apple had agreed to open up NFC technology, which also allows players like Vipps to be able to offer carpets on terminals in physical stores, says Caroline Lundy , Director of Communications at Vipps MobilePay to DinSide.

Although the European Commission must provide final clarification on the new rules, and Apple must share the necessary documentation, Vipps is already working on preparing a solution to cover iPhone and Android devices.

This will happen after March 7 when the European Union's Digital Markets Act (DMA) comes into force.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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