Consumer, prices | New Zealand price pressures triggered: – Absolute madness

Consumer, prices |  New Zealand price pressures triggered: – Absolute madness

(The newspaper online) Prices in Kiwi rose sharply in a short time. Potato prices increased by 11 percent. Chicken wings increased by up to 24 percent, and apple juice increased by up to 54 percent.

It was Trond Gunnar Ra from Bergen who discovered the strong jumps in prices. He checked the receipts on the Kiwi website.

– I think he's completely crazy. Especially considering it happened in such a short time, Ra says.

All of the price increases referred to by Ra occurred from March to June.

See Kiwi's answer below: – Abnormally low price

It rose by 54 percent

Several price increases apply to First Price products. First Price is owned by Norgesgruppen. They also own several store chains such as Kiwi, Meny, Spar and Joker.

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But Rae has also seen prices rise for popular brands such as Stabburet mackerel in tomato and fish balls in Vesterålen.

– The stark contrast

He is reacting to price increases which he believes stand in stark contrast to Kiwi commercials.

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– They fill us with ads saying New Zealanders are the ones paying the prices. Ra says, but they are raising prices.

Last week, Ra visited a local Kiwi restaurant and bought, among other things, chicken wings.

-I had just gotten home and was putting things back in their proper places in the fridge and freezer. Then I heard the commercial on P4 with Kiwi and “we're the ones paying the prices,” says Raa.

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Then I turned my attention to chicken wings, the price of which rose by 24 percent in two weeks. “It was a little gross,” he says.

Nettavisen has been mentioned previously The enormous amounts that grocery chains spend on advertising.

Do you have receipts that show sharp price increases at grocery stores? Contact Nettavisen journalist.

11 NOK per day

Ra retired in March, so his income decreased. Then the aggressive price jumps in for an extra bite.

-I think they could think a little more about retirees. “I think there are probably more people across the country who have noticed the sharp price increases,” he says.

As a relatively recent retiree, Ra was well aware of the outcome of this year's settlement for pensioners, which included a 2.76 per cent pension increase. For Raa, this means the pension increases by about NOK 11 per day.

– Ra says: – There's not much you get for 11 Norwegian kroner in the store.

Kiwi: – abnormally low price

Kiwi confirms to Nettavisen that the prices indicated by Trond Gunnar RA are correct.

– The main reason for the changes is that many of these items had an abnormally low price in connection with the campaigns and price wars for Easter, communications director Christine Arvin tells Nettavisen.

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Trond Gunnar Ra is at a loss for an explanation.

– He says: – I watch prices closely, and I cannot understand that these goods were part of price wars or campaigns.

Arvin in Kiwi says they've also gotten price increases from suppliers.

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– If Nettavisen had also examined the prices of our low-priced competitors, it would have seen that the prices of these goods had changed in the entire low-priced market, says Arvin.

-We work every day to be the cheapest. She says it is of course unfortunate that the customer does not like our advertising, but the truth is that the prices would be much higher if it were not for the price pressure imposed by Kiwi.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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