Corona crisis: US President Joe Biden attacks Republican governors for preventing vaccinations

Corona crisis: US President Joe Biden attacks Republican governors for preventing vaccinations

Delta variant of the corona virus Is spreading rapidly in the United States. However, this does not apply equally to all states. Experts draw a direct link between low vaccination rates and many new infections. The US president now has this connection Joe Biden Taken – and attacked some Republican governors for their corona policy.

“If you don’t help, at least avoid those who try to do the right thing,” Biden demanded Tuesday afternoon (local time). He openly named the two American states as negative examples. Only two states Florida And TexasThey are responsible for one-third of the new Govt-19 cases nationwide. “

In some states, the need for the mask has been banned in schools, Biden complained. In Texas, universities may even impose fines on teachers who tell unvaccinated students to wear masks.

Two Republican governors from Texas, Greg Abbott and Ron Desantis from Florida, have recently spoken out particularly loudly against the need for masks in their states.

“Use your power to save lives,” Biden said. “We need leadership from everyone. Some governors are not ready to do the right thing to fight this epidemic.”

Biden calls Govt a “preventable” disease

He warned that another 90 million people were eligible to be vaccinated but had not yet received a single injection. People who are vaccinated very rarely get corona, yet rarely have to go to the hospital and almost never die from the effects of the infection.

In states with low vaccination rates, the U.S. president says the infection rate is “ten to twenty times higher.” The virus is spreading “like wildfire among those who have not been vaccinated.” It “breaks the heart” – especially since Covit-19 is now a “preventable” disease, thanks to vaccines, Biden said.

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Praise the companies

Biden openly praised public and private employers for mandating vaccination for their employees. It was not an easy move, but the Democrats promised that he would support companies and officials in it.

In June, the number of new infections in the United States dropped to an average of about 10,000 a day. However, since then, this value has risen to an average of 80,000 a day, especially due to the infectious delta variant.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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