Since the first report of the virus spreading in Wuhan, China in late December 2019, the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 has been caught worldwide.
To date, about 245 million people have been infected, and the corona virus has killed about five million lives. Global metrics.
After a short period of virus spread, Norway is once again experiencing a sharp improvement in the epidemic.
In Norway, 996 people have been diagnosed with corona infection in the last 24 hours. This is 248 more than the same day last week.
In the last seven days, an average of 796 corona infections per day have been recorded.
Seven days ago the corresponding average was 447, so the trend is increasing.
However, the corona virus did not only lead to serious illness and death.
For a long time, there have been reports of people experiencing persistent symptoms after being exposed to a corona virus called Longcoid – which is now a question for researchers.
Corona virus: This is how the corona virus SARS-CoV-2, which causes Govt-19 disease, can be seen with an electron microscope. Photo: National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases / AFP
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“Brain Fog”
Newly Jama study American researchers have made some very interesting discoveries.
The authors of the article begin by saying, “Survivors of COVID-19 often complain of cognitive impairment, which is described as brain fog.”
In the study, the researchers found that patients had a relatively high frequency of cognitive impairment several months after receiving Covit-19.
These findings were mainly among those with a severe course of hospital-admitted corona virus disease.
Researchers point out that it is common knowledge that certain people, such as the elderly, may develop cognitive impairment after a serious illness, but in this study we are talking about a relatively young population.
Of the 740 participants, the average age was 49 years. 63% of women, on average 7.6 months from the time they are diagnosed with Covit-19.
– Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup Naxstad points out that this is one of the major studies that has shown a possible link between Govit-19 and neurological long-term effects.
Added: Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup Nakstad. Photo: Nina Hansen
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– Important
He noted that the study patients were relatively young, and the researchers still found that cognitive disorders were relatively common six months after the disease.
– The study does not explain why such diseases occur or which rehabilitation program is best for patients, but it does help to diagnose the extent of such diseases. Knoxstad says more research is needed in this area.
U.S. researchers agree.
“This study raises important questions regarding the long-term treatment of patients. Future studies are needed to identify risk factors and mechanisms such as cognitive impairment and opportunities for rehabilitation,” the researchers write.
Ill for a long time
– This is a long journey we have passed. My side effects and I in three hospitals. Edwin had a high fever in the spring and summer. Hilde Termon (45) said on Sept. 7 from Hamar to Dogflat that it was very painful.
Because at the end of March 2021, Hilde and her son Edwin (6) were diagnosed with Govt-19. The beginning of some difficult months for both.
Fortunately, Edwin is fully recovered, but Hilt is still struggling.
In mid-November, he will be staying at the Gronheim Lung Hospital in Folbu, Costel, rehabilitating corona patients.
Seven months after he was diagnosed with Covit-19, he still has headaches, fatigue, and struggles with major problems with memory and attention.
Forget it
At the ATM, she had the experience of not remembering the code and if she was going to pick up something in the kitchen, she had already forgotten when she got there.
– The worst thing is, I’m always very tired, says the 45-year-old.
She struggles with the burning sensation in her head, and it comes and goes, and her doctor thinks it may be related to memory problems.
Hilt is still ill: Edwin (6) and mother Hedge Dermon both received CVT-19 in March. Edwin is now recovering from a long illness, while his mother Hilde is still struggling with fatigue, poor memory and difficulty concentrating. Photo: Kristin Svorte
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– I hope I can get a little smarter about this after rehab – and I’ll find something that can help me, says Hilt.
The woman, who usually works in psychiatry every third weekend, has not gone to work since March.
– I tried my hand at work in August, but it was completely impossible. Three hours later, I had nausea, dizziness and a burning sensation in my head, he says.
Fixed symptoms
The Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) recognizes that some people experience long-term side effects of the corona virus.
In the release “Prolonged symptoms after Govit-19. Quick overview. ⁇ Since August, FHI has been completing the following:
“Many patients report persistent symptoms for six months or more under Covit-19. General symptoms, neurological symptoms and symptoms coming from the lungs are more common in hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients, but hospitalized patients generally report a wider range of symptoms, more symptoms and severe functional limitations.
According to FHI There are currently “unspecified criteria for being considered late following COVID-19”.
Jan PW Himmels, FHI’s senior consultant and physician, said the new JAMA study, similar to FHI’s findings, shows that hospitalized patients have multiple symptoms, but the US study emphasizes that there are some limitations.
– Findings are reported in the form of a review letter, the resulting method is only briefly described. The study did not describe how patients were selected as participants and whether the selected participants represented the general population, Himmles added:
– The authors did not include a control group in their study design. Therefore, we do not know whether the findings were due to Govt-19.
Improved knowledge
Himmels reports that FHI is in the process of updating its knowledge overview of the delayed effects of Covit-19.
– In the update, we will systematically identify all relevant studies, evaluate their quality and summarize them in a consistent manner. We aim to include studies with controls and more participants, which will provide a more reliable and trustworthy perspective. If the inclusion criteria are met, we will also include Norwegian studies.
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