Corona – Vaccine protection disappears very quickly

Corona – Vaccine protection disappears very quickly

Corona epidemic has devastated the world since the humble beginning of China Wuhan in late December 2019.

To date, more than 255 million people have been affected and more than five million people have died from Govt-19.

Although millions of people have received one or two doses of coronary vaccine, the spread of the disease is far from over.

It also turns out that vaccines do not prevent coronavirus infection in people who have been vaccinated.

This is especially true for newer strains of the corona virus SARS-CoV-2 that appeared during infections, especially for the delta variant, which is now predominant.

New study

– Studies on the effect of the vaccine will become more and more important in the future because no one still knows how often or in what population groups should be rehabilitated in the future, Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup tells Knucktad Dopplet.

Answer: Assistant Director of Health Espen Nakstad answers Dagbladet’s corona question.
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So, he eagerly read a new study published in the prestigious journal Lancet Microbiology.

This is because the researchers in the background of this study have meticulously observed – corona virus vaccines provide long-term protection against the different types of corona virus that the infection has brought so far.

Greatly reduced

The researchers have done what is called a meta-analysis of 24 previous studies on the effect of the vaccine on infection, and they have made new calculations.

The study confirms that not only the original viral variant of SARS-CoV-2, but also the so-called mRNA vaccines may be effective against several virus strains that have appeared in the past year.

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Vaccinating: Pharmacist Frank Stensons Olson vaccinated Elin Norheim Nastod, 13, at Franfjel School in Oslo.  Martin Aspehgel Icland (12) on the right is waiting for the vaccine.  Photo: Bjørn Langsem

Vaccinating: Pharmacist Frank Stensons Olson vaccinated Elin Norheim Nastod, 13, at Franfjel School in Oslo. Martin Aspehgel Icland (12) on the right is waiting for the vaccine. Photo: Bjørn Langsem
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However, with the delta variant of the corona virus now ruling, the situation is different.

Here, researchers found that one year after vaccination, the effect of the vaccine could be reduced by up to 50 percent.

– One year after the second dose of vaccine, mathematical calculations indicate that up to 50 percent of the immunity and effect of neutralizing antibodies may be lost, Nuxstad points out.

Increase confidence

However, researchers have found reason to believe that the so-called booster dose will yield promising results.

“Our analysis suggests that a booster dose with vaccines may be a better strategy to combat declining immunity,” the researchers wrote.

– The effect of the third dose was not mapped in the study, but the rejuvenating dose of the vaccine in patients previously diagnosed with Covit-19 seems to have a positive effect on antibody levels, Knoxstad explains.

CoronaGene: Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup Naxstad.  Photo: Nina Hansen

CoronaGene: Assistant Director of Health Espen Rostrup Naxstad. Photo: Nina Hansen
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However, researchers are taking into account that in the future more complex variants, called escape variants of the corona virus, may occur.

It is not certain whether today’s vaccines will continue with such variations.

“In the future, vaccines may be needed to target new strains, but existing vaccines are a great way to boost immunity to existing corona virus strains,” it said.

Sharpened: The number of corona patients admitted to the hospital has increased in recent weeks – new measures have now been introduced.
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– Important

– This meta-analysis answers many important questions regarding the loss of vaccine effect in encountering various corona virus variants, Nakstad concludes.

Gunnar Hasley, a physician and immunologist at the Travel Clinic, believes the researchers behind The Lancet Microbe’s study have made “interesting and important discoveries.”

Vaccine Specialist: Dr. Conner Hasley at the Travel Clinic in Oslo.  Photo: Anita Arndsen

Vaccine Specialist: Dr. Conner Hasley at the Travel Clinic in Oslo. Photo: Anita Arndsen
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– Testing to neutralize antibodies is when you develop the virus variant you want to test in the cell culture and add the patient’s serum as it dilutes to varying degrees. In a series of dilution, Hasley explains how far a patient’s serum blocks the virus in cell culture:

– This article confirms the assumption that the level of neutralizing antibodies provides a good response to the vaccine effect. When testing new vaccines against Govit-19, it can no longer be done as placebo-controlled studies. The vaccine expert says tests to neutralize the antibodies would be a good alternative.


In Norway, many adults have agreed to the corona vaccine.

At the same time, health officials say most people who need hospital treatment for coronavirus disease are fully vaccinated elderly people.

And the spread of infection has really picked up speed again.

On Wednesday came the news of a new 24-hour record, There are 2552 registered corona infections in Norway.

The previous record of 2,126 new infections was set a week ago on Tuesday.

An average of 1760 corona infections per day have been recorded in the last seven days. Seven days ago the same average was 1467.

At midnight on Wednesday, a total of 232,839 people in Norway were tested positive for Govit-19 during infections.

Preliminary figures show that a total of 952 people have died of corona in Norway since March last year.

On Tuesday, 218 corona patients were admitted to Norwegian hospitals. Seven less than the day before.

Of the patients, 52 were in the intensive care unit, 33 of whom were in the respiratory tract.

The current epidemic situation in Norway has led to the need for municipal action in many places in Norway, including northern and central Norway.

Infection rate in Trondheim Soared into the sky last week. On Wednesday of that week, the city experienced 163 recorded infections, the next day it rose to 212.

On Wednesday this week, with 70 new cases of infection registered 24 hours a day in Trondheim, the statistics have improved considerably. It was 42 less than the previous day and 93 less than the previous week.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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