Coronavirus, Koronatest | Increased use of rapid tests

Coronavirus, Koronatest |  Increased use of rapid tests

A recent survey showed that Norwegians are very positive about home tests, but many are unsure how to do a corona test.

Persistent infection records create chaos at testing stations, and there are very different testing capacities in municipalities. Many people face long queues at reception stations, and one in ten have to wait two to three days to get tested, according to a survey this week.

Sales of rapid tests for home use, also called home tests, have reached new heights, at the same time that many municipalities are conducting mass testing through schools.

Long waits lead to more people taking home tests. The pressure appears to be greater in Trondheim, where one in four say they have to wait two to three days before they ever get an appointment, Stig Henning Pedersen, COO and pharmacist at Farmasiet, says in a press release.

The survey was conducted by Resp Analyze on behalf of the Internet pharmacy Farmasiet. It was performed in a representative sample of respondents between the ages of 17 and 87 years. The survey of 1,092 respondents in Norway focused on revealing attitudes towards home testing.

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Prepared for repeated testing

When asked what occasions people would like to get tested, 64 percent answered that they would do so after they developed symptoms, but Norwegians still appear to be concerned about safety, according to Pedersen.

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Half of the population said they would get a home test before and after major events or when they go to visit someone who is sick or elderly. Three out of 10 also say they would like their children tested when they notice symptoms, go on vacation or participate in social activities like school trips or the like, he says.

However, there is a slight difference between the sexes. Women seem to be more careful than men. Most men test themselves instead after, after Different occasions than the above.

Missing more directions from the authorities

Although the home tests are the same as the rapid tests used at testing stations, every fourth Norwegian is unsure what the authorities actually think about testing at home.

– I understand that people are unsafe because the authorities have not proactively talked about home testing. Perhaps it was because the test ability was good, but the situation is different now. We see this, for example, with the introduction of group testing in schools, Pedersen says.

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He thinks a home test is a good solution to relieving municipalities and the school system, but worries that many aren’t sure what to do if there is a positive answer.

Here, people answer everything from notifying nearby contacts to staying home and taking a new test, and no more than 2 percent will share the test result on social media, Pedersen says.

The survey was conducted on August 30 and 31, 2021 by Response Analys Formaset. It was conducted in a representative sample of respondents between the ages of 17 and 87, and was intended to reveal attitudes toward the use of home tests. It had 1,092 respondents in Norway and is therefore represented in most counties.

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You are forced to do this

If the test is positive, avoid physical contact and contact your doctor or local health authorities, according to the pharmacist.

A new PCR test may also be necessary. Pedersen explains that if the result is negative, you should repeat the test after one to two days while still following all the rules for physical contact and preventive measures.

The home tests are approved as medical devices, and are 98 percent accurate when used correctly. In other words, it is almost as accurate as a PCR test at a test station.

It is important to follow the directions for use carefully. He points out that the device also should not be opened long before you intend to do the test, as moisture can affect the test strip.

It’s also important to cheat early, Pedersen says, so that you catch viruses on your mucous membranes and not in the mucus.

To do a home test:

1. Place a cotton swab 2-4 cm up in one of the nostrils (not as far away as in a PCR test performed by a healthcare professional), rub it on the mucous membrane and rotate the swab three to four times. Repeat in the other nostril.

2. Insert the cotton swab into the test tube with the solvent. Leave it there for 1 minute, pressing the tube on the outside. This causes virus fragments to pass into the fluid in the tube. In some self-tests, the tube must be filled with liquid before starting.

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3. Remove the cotton swab and attach the nozzle to the test tube. Then drip three to four drops of liquid onto the test unit itself. Then wait for a response for 15 to 20 minutes. Whether the test is positive or negative will be displayed as dashes on the test unit. It will also be flagged if the test is not done correctly.

4. If the test is negative, it is indicated by only one line in the test unit (C). If it is positive, it is indicated by two lines on the test unit (C + T). If the control line does not appear on the test unit, you received an invalid answer and the test must be run again.

Source: pharmacy.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

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