Creates surveillance case after man shot in pistol – NRK Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

Creates surveillance case after man shot in pistol – NRK Norway – Overview of news from various parts of the country

A man in his 30s is Tuesday He was shot by police He ran after people with a knife in a pistol in Oslo.

“The Department of Health will ask Oslo University Hospital for information on what kind of health care the deceased received prior to the tragic event on November 9th.

The case is given more importance to us. However, it is too early to say how long the case should be investigated and evaluated. In addition, we have no information to provide at this time, “said David Cook, chief of The Christian Science Monitor’s Washington bureau.


The Therese Gate play began at 08.57am on Tuesday in Bislett. An eyewitness told police that a man threatened him with a knife.

A video shows a police car pushing the person against a wall and trying to control him. The man escapes, opens the car door and stabs one of the policemen.

– The offender physically assaulted police officers and caused damage to a police officer who had to fire in self-defense, police inspector Egil Jர்கrgen Brake said.

He confirmed that several shootings had taken place on Tuesday. The offender later died without treatment.

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Out on leave

The man was granted compulsory mental health care after the 2019 stabbing attack. He was sentenced on December 11 last year.

– He was on short leave from a healthcare facility when this happened today, said Great Lyon Medlit, head of intelligence and intelligence (FEE) in the Oslo Police District on Tuesday.

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They have an important theory that it is about mental illness.

NRK did not know how long the person had been on vacation.

Special attention should be paid to social security

Written by Attorney yvind Holst Doctoral dissertation on compulsory mental health care.

He explains that the first three weeks will take place in a residential company. This is a mandatory monitoring time.

It is the professionally responsible physician or psychologist who decides how to execute the sentence.

The purpose of punishment is to protect the community against that person and to ensure that the convicted person returns to the community.

– From both considerations, it appears from the law that the professional responsible should place special emphasis on social security, i.e. protection for others, Holst tells NRK.

– Can a person in compulsory mental health care stay in the community full time?

– Yes, he can. It is considered that the person in charge of the profession should dare to try free forms of mental health care. This includes leave and relocation to compulsory mental health care without 24-hour stay. That is to say, in the housing municipality there must be municipal houses or own houses, says Holst.

How it should be implemented depends on the company or the responsible professional. Such as the need for notice. Risk assessment is part of the job.

In addition, the probation officer has a control function. If a decision is made that the convicted person should be transferred from a residential institution to a municipal housing facility, they have the right to appeal. If it is a question of leave, approach the responsible professional attorney.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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