Crypto Kings: From Stealing to Cryptocurrency:

Crypto Kings: From Stealing to Cryptocurrency:

Most people recognize Kasper Antonsen from the series Rådebank, which took Norway by storm when it hit the screen in 2020. Antonsen is also the son of comedian Atle Antonsen (53).

After three seasons of heist, speed, and thriller, the actor is ready to take on new challenges in the second Krypto Kings TV series.

Excited: Antonsen is always looking to see if he can deliver on the big stages. Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

Krypto Kings is about two friends who discover that the confirmation money they have invested in cryptocurrency has grown by $1.6 billion.

When money is no longer an issue, we see the boys buy a giant luxury villa, a private jet, rent a yacht, and throw crazy parties. Money eventually causes problems, and we see the boys have to figure out who they are without all the money.

Good Friends: The four main characters became good friends during filming.  Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

Good Friends: The four main characters became good friends during filming. Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

He admits himself in the role

“Lars” is the character Antonsen plays in the new series. He himself could recognize a lot of himself in this role.

Like Lars, I was an insecure bundle of fun and didn’t quite know how to act when I was younger. There are probably many who will recognize themselves in the character.

Antonsen reveals that if he himself had received so much money, he probably would have saved so much money. However, there are also other benefits that he can indulge in.

– Perhaps I would buy a house, or a boat, and travel a little, and take all my friends into town, and treat them to plenty of drinks.

Party Scene: Antonsen is very excited to record a party scene.  Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

Party Scene: Antonsen is very excited to record a party scene. Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2


Antonsen sets high standards for himself, and is excited about whether or not the series will be well received.

– I’m my toughest boss, but I try to be generous with myself and the work I’ve done, says Antonsen, but reveals a challenge after the success of the TV:

– After Rådebank, I felt the pressure to perform at a higher level. Eventually I realized he was still allowed to do smaller things after such success.

Big dreams

Antonsen has achieved a great success in the Rådebank series. He didn’t expect the series to become as big as it did.

– I was lucky. It was probably the best entry into the acting profession I could have had.

Since Antonsen went to elementary school, he has felt at home in the acting industry. When he was in the sixth grade, he started theater school.

Although I have faced adversity in my career, I have always been clear about my goals and dreams. In the future, I hope to get a role in a feature film where I can prove that I can deliver serious dramatic roles.

Big changes: In the series, the lives of the characters are turned upside down.  Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

Big changes: In the series, the lives of the characters are turned upside down. Photo: Paal Krokan Mathisen/TV 2

In conclusion, Antonsen tells what to expect from the series:

– People can expect big sums, but also the journey of insecure little boys where you see how money changes them. Then we’ll see if they end up in some stupid situation.

Crypto kings debut in tv 2 play February 10th.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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