Culture and Entertainment, Ideal Festival | This is how the festivals are serving beer this year: – The goal is for people to become better at recycling

Culture and Entertainment, Ideal Festival |  This is how the festivals are serving beer this year: – The goal is for people to become better at recycling

This photo was taken on the late Idyll evening in 2022.

In 2023, the festival gets underway.

Last year, the Idyll Festival introduced what they called an environmental tax of NOK 20 for every glass purchased at the bar. They are continuing this year.

You want guests to become better at recycling

Stian Berntsen at Idyll explains how it works.

– When you buy the first unit, whether it's a beer or a soft drink, you also buy the mug. “You can take this glass with you to the bar next time you're shopping,” he says.

– Don't pay for the glass you get in the next unit. The whole background is that people have to become better at recycling. When glass is returned, our bar staff make sure it is recycled and sorted correctly.

Aas Bryggeri supplies drinks for the Idyll Festival.

– There are different glasses from one supplier to another. For example, Coca-Cola uses cardboard, while a beer supplier uses plastic. So those behind bars will sort this out.

The environmental tax applies regardless of the type of glass.

– Seeing them become more aware

– Were people really good at handing out glasses last year?

– Absolutely. We see that environmental tax makes people more aware and think twice. This is a very positive thing for our environment, Berntsen says.

The price of the glass will be the same as last year, NOK 20.

– What is this money used for?

– It simply means that we increase the number of people working in collecting, sorting and dealing with garbage. He says we are talking here about very high costs.

-We have 40,000 guests, and there will be large amounts of garbage. We will not litter the community and will pick up every snuff bag and remove its remaining clothes on the ground. Exactly this is very important to us. We will be delivered from a higher level than it was before.

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Hire more people to clean

This year they distributed different teams to different areas on the island. Each area has its own area manager, who is responsible for keeping things tidy at all times. This also applies outside the festival area, such as the residential area next to Isegran and the road to Kråkerøybrua.

– Our guests should feel that the area is tidy throughout the festival. They should not wade through garbage.

– Do the opposite

At the Moon Festival in the Old City, they tend to do the opposite when it comes to glass and recycling, says Toril Fredenlund.

-We do the opposite when it comes to deposits compared to many other festivals. She says this means we give money to people instead of taking money.

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And he explains:

-Our plastic glasses are collected and recycled. You can collect glasses from our pawn shop and get paid for their delivery. In this sense, we ensure that we consume almost one hundred percent less plastic.

Uses plastic glasses

– Now we will have a meeting with the brewery very soon, and we will review the solutions we will come up with this year. So there may be some changes. There are always new things happening in the industry, she adds.

Hansa Borg is the beverage supplier for Månen.

-We checked this with multi-use glasses. The problem with them is the washing. Last time I checked, you had to send the glasses out to be washed on the westfold side, and then we considered the environmental benefit to go up in the yarn. As long as the plastic is collected and recycled, this is the best solution, we believe.

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– What we use now is glass , which is suitable for recycling materials. After the pawn shop closes, we also have our own employees go and collect the glasses, says Fredenlund.

Gloma Festival

Glommafestivalen also offers plastic glasses.

-We use Hansa Borg glasses, which are 80 percent recycled. These emit less carbon dioxide emissions, says Lasse Keungsen.

Experience says that these glasses are more environmentally friendly, compared to multi-purpose glasses, for example. That's why we came to this. We will not give customers the invoice. “We will bear the final cost ourselves,” he continues.

Objective experience means, among other things, Ostvold's research. In a press release sent by Hansa Borg, it was stated that Ostvold's research has calculated the environmental impact of recycling beverage containers into PET plastic to produce a lower environmental impact than alternatives, such as reusable cups.

-We try to have the guests do the sorting themselves, and then the cans should be available. Here, the remaining waste is used to make glass, food, cardboard and plastic, says Jonnigsen.

Whale Guest House

Many concerts are held throughout the summer in Hvaler Gjestgiveri Park. They also have PET glass.

-We have been organizing big concerts here for 20 years. There's no doubt that people are better at cleaning up after themselves now. “We are seeing a completely different situation now, compared to just three or four years ago,” says Øystein Elgem.

-At large concerts, we have about twenty people cleaning for a fee.

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So Norsus (formerly Østfoldforskning) made one Environmental assessment From serving beer at festivals.

– This was a research project in collaboration with Al Jazeera Festival 2021, where we analyzed four different solutions. Three of them were disposable cups and one was a reusable glass.

Research Director at Norsus, Carrie Ann Ling, explains to Fredrikstad Blad.

To understand the results, you also have to explain how the island festival works, she explained.

– This festival is somewhat special, as there are many volunteers who help in cleaning and sorting waste from the source. Not all festivals have this opportunity, Ling says.

The results show, among other things, that a significant climate benefit is achieved if festivals that currently have a disposable system, introduce a system of collecting and sending glasses for material recycling, for example through a deposit system.

– When it comes to choosing the best disposable and reusable eyewear solutions, it comes down to a lot of waste. For Øyafestivalen, which has a high sorting rate and volunteers helping with the sorting, reusable glass would be a good solution.

She continues:

– But what we concluded is that if the festival knows that their screening rate is low, they should choose disposable glasses, either PP plastic () or PET, and have source sorting. It is therefore important to have good communication with the festival participants, so that they understand the screening system.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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