Debate and opinions | How can we create communities that accommodate more people?

Debate and opinions |  How can we create communities that accommodate more people?

Reader's message This is an introduction to the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the opinions of the writer.

Forgiveness, grace, mercy and benevolence. Are there words that make sense to you? Sometimes it seems as if we no longer know the words, let alone their meaning. I think I'm coming across stories more and more about people who don't show mercy to each other, who don't feel responsible for anyone but themselves and for themselves, who don't want to forgive or be merciful. Intransigence, cruelty, bitterness, hatred and revenge are the driving factors of many stories from the news. This applies to the great novels in the world, about conflicts and wars. This applies to close stories. About bullying, ostracism, broken relationships and loneliness.

#lagplass is the hashtag for this year's World Mental Health Day. It's a call to make our most important meeting places more inclusive. And I wonder: how does this actually happen? In a time when Christian and human values ​​seem under great pressure. How can we create communities of more, yes to all, if we don't have a strong dose of grace with one another? Because none of us are flawless, and none of us act at all times as lovable beings worthy of our status. No, we are all dependent on the grace of others. Everyone needs forgiveness. If the other does not accept us with our shortcomings and faults, then in the end there is no place for any of us. We are then led into a life of isolation, where we risk starting to hate ourselves.

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I think losing the desire to be kind to each other is one of the reasons why so many people feel alone and alone. I believe we need help from higher powers to develop the ability to forgive, have compassion, and love each other. Also when the other person does not deserve love because of their actions and lifestyle. Because the opportunities to make bad choices are many. In an age when there are so many impulses that push us toward being primarily concerned with our own well-being, and not spending energy on our neighbors, there is a danger of making choices that create distance between people, rather than connect us to each other. .

This is why the Golden Rule is an important rule in life. It reads: Whatever you want others to do to you, do to them. It exists in Christianity, and was formulated by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount in the Gospel of Matthew. He knew this from his Jewish tradition. But it is also found in other religions and traditions. It can be a common starting point for all of us, and is often called the rule of reciprocity. Can we dust it off? Can we find a moral starting point around which we can come together and cultivate grace, mercy, forgiveness and charity anew?

We all need space, rooms, places and people to belong to. To achieve this, we need more than just physical spaces and creative measures. We need attitudes that mean our actions do not distance us from each other, but rather attract us to each other in a community supported by good attitudes. Of grace, mercy, forgiveness and benevolence. This is how we save space. For ourselves and for others.

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Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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