Development year 2024: – There will be a lot of sick things

Development year 2024: – There will be a lot of sick things

I think most of modern popular culture is crap. It is as if it has become impossible to create good texts. Most productions:

A) Either build on existing privileges.

b) Recycling old materials.

And I’m so frustrated, so frustrated. I’m bored with intelligence. And I, a conniving and overly paranoid person, have long suspected that Marvel helped ruin my free time. And don’t think I’ve been able to find a good video that confirms my biases. Watch it if you can bear it, then we’ve got plenty of other light entertainment below!

💘 Great GTA game!

Olly Peter:

Unless you’ve been snowed in a cabin without internet or a fax machine this week, you may have noticed that the GTA 6 trailer has been released — a little earlier than scheduled, due to leaks.

You may have watched it, but you probably didn’t sit down for half an hour to really enjoy the technical aspects of everything that fluttered on the screen.

Because these are more impressive things than you first realize!

đŸ«ą DOS increases your life


– For God’s sake, do not enter DOS! It can spice up your life!

A few days ago, I came across this funny clip from the song “The Commission” by Atle Antonsen and Johan Gulden.

At least, it’s funny to those of us who are old enough to seem like those of us who have mastered DOS Witches When we had to help family and friends with all kinds of computer problems:

Atle Antonsen and Johan Golden – The Committee – What’s Happening at DOS?
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💡 AI feedback

He died:

In this podcast, Morten Goodwin, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the University of Agder, takes a look back at ChatGPT’s year ago.

They also look at how ChatGPT “continues to push the boundaries of what’s possible in AI.”

đŸ€– Artificial intelligence and sick stuff!

Olly Peter:

The year 2024 is approaching, but what does that mean for us developers, really?

According to Fireship; Pretty much, sick stuff.

As one person commented below the video: “I can always count on Jeff to give me more anxiety as a developer.”

đŸ’» Astro Dev Toolbar Review


On that day, the Astro framework was released in version 4.0. I didn’t have enough time to get to know everything new, but I noticed, among other things, the arrival of a completely new “Astro Dev Toolbar”.

And we love the cool new developer tools.

James Q Quick has a nice review of all the new stuff here:

đŸŽ» Documentary about wonderful folk music

He died:

Folk music is great.

Yes I said that. And in the hope of convincing you: look This is the latest documentary series From NRK about Norwegian folk music. Very well made!

Image: This influencer is 100 percent fake

đŸ“ș Amjad, more boys

Olly Peter:

Hey, the new season of The Boys is coming soon! If you haven’t stuck your finger out yet and watched it, you know what to do this Christmas. For the rest of us, we can only look forward to 2024.

đŸ§±Digital prison?

He died:

Are we heading towards digital prison? That’s the question of this philosophy podcast! It is presented in this episode. Worth listening! Feel free to check out the other episodes.

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Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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