Diana’s last gift to Prince Harry

Diana’s last gift to Prince Harry

Britain’s Prince Harry was just twelve years old when he lost his mother, Princess Diana, in a tragic accident in Paris in 1997. Through his much-discussed autobiography Spear, the prince discusses grief after Diana’s death.

Among other things, he remembers the last gift his mother bought him in Paris. However, she was never able to deliver the gift in person.

I was surprised by Auntie

A month and a half after the traffic accident, Prince Harry turned 13. In “Spear,” the Prince tells how his mother’s sister, Sarah, showed up with a very special gift. Danish report photo magazine.

“Mother bought it for you. A little while ago…,” Sarah is said to have said, according to Prince Harry.

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Harry is said to have then asked his aunt if he had been bought in Paris, which she confirmed. The 13th birthday present from his mom was an Xbox, which the teen loved, to say the least.

The Prince asserts that this was many years ago, and that the memory of his mother’s death must be weak from the shock.

Harry’s claims are lying

According to Billed Bladet, the gift generated strong reactions because the Xbox was not on the market at the time.

to me Encyclopedia Britannica The first Xbox was released to the market in 2001. Accordingly Page six The game console should not be sold in Europe until the following year.

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This is the problem with telling so many lies. You lose count, get ahead of yourself and forget to do research,” one user wrote Twitter About the prince’s claim.

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However, others are defending the 38-year-old, who believe he may have confused the Xbox with other game consoles, such as the PlayStation or Nintendo 64.

According to one Los Angeles Times– article from 2001, author Christopher Andersen claimed that it was exactly the PlayStation that Diana bought for her son in Paris.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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