Discussion, torrent Coup – or “More than one way to Rome”?

Discussion, torrent  Coup – or “More than one way to Rome”?

Reader's message This is an introduction to the discussion, written by an external contributor. The publication expresses the opinions of the writer.

Sel Ap cares about To maintain a good balance between use and protection of the Rondane National Park. When it comes to caring for the wild reindeer tribe of Rondane, we have to be vigilant. Lars Mitting describes Pharsmla as follows in his novel “Hickniven”: “But Pharsmla still stood, and wanted to stay. The restless guard. (….) the one who saw everything and survived despite everything she saw and warned the youth about.”

In the reader's post “Coup or Not”… list candidates from Sel og Heidal Sp, Kjetil Eide and Håkon Nårstad, and call for Sel Ap's stance on the government's action with action plans for wild reindeer areas designated as red, including a park Rondane National.

There are several routes to Rome There are many ways to answer the call to provide input on the work initiated by the business plan. Sel Ap believes that there are several measures that need to be discussed to shift the level from red to yellow in Rondane National Park. It is very important to facilitate a climate of good cooperation between different groups, and to ensure that we receive good compensation for any actions undertaken.

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It is clear that the posts of the list candidates are attempts to create polarization in the debate. Polarization that would weaken confidence in the administration, even before one knows anything about what the committee will reach in its recommendation to the government. The post from Sp presents a scenario of the future brought to the fore with claims that can only be made if one uses facts that are helpful to one's case. This becomes a selective use of facts to support his own conclusions. A good example of this is how Eddy and Narstad make the great point that 6 out of 8 in the project group are members of the “Save the Wild Reindeer in Rondane” Facebook group, which now has nearly 2,100 members, and that this is almost the norm for an administrator. The state chooses the people in the group. Claims are being made that we believe have no basis in fact and are a poorly disguised attempt to undermine confidence in the process and management. Sel Ap believes that it is unfortunate to question the competence of project group members. Maybe it's a desperate attempt to keep the idea of ​​a coup in Rondan alive?

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The Center Party had several controversial points in its proposal, Which was passed after the mayor used his double vote. Sp has a majority in Sel, and many of its representatives voted against it. One of the points is “to establish a government accreditation system for companies that carry out organized transportation and/or employ guides in the administration who provide this based on important departure areas…”. Does this limit the public right or is it in addition to another movement?

If we open to Girl Guides, we are open to all Girl Guides, not just local Girl Guides. This could lead to increased traffic in already vulnerable areas. Another point raised by Sp in the Sel Operations Committee is to “assess the impact of the change in fishing practice through the withdrawal undertaken by the SNO for a limited period of time”, in other words, taking away fishing rights from fishermen. That has been there for thousands of years. It is recognized that the point was changed after discussion in the municipal council with justification from the deputy mayor that it was “premature.” Does this mean that such a proposal could enter the next round? It is astonishing that Sp is presenting proposals that deprive fishermen of their rights that they have acquired for generations. Apparently, the Sel Sp would limit the fishing rights, the right of use, that Sel fishermen have, an important transmitter of culture and a very important activity for many.

The Sp list of candidates calls for the view of Sel AP on this matter. It is surprising from a candidate who was present during the debate in the municipal council on 2 May and sent our contribution to PS 2023/27: “PS 2023/27 Action Plan for Wild Reindeer, Proposal by Resolution of Ap, SV and MDGs:

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Celle Municipal Council takes note of the regulations on quality standards for wild reindeer from 2020 and the classification of wild reindeer areas in Norway from 2022.

The classification of Rondane as of very poor quality requires an action plan with a comprehensive approach for the entire Rondane with measures in all municipalities located in the peripheral areas of Rondane and in Rondane.

The business plan, both the process and the end result, should be based on the following principles and assumptions:

Municipalities, the general public, business and agriculture have a significant ownership and strong identity linked to the Rondane region and peripheral areas.

Today's use has a long tradition. Resources and expertise are important to the living conditions, public health and business of communities around Rondane.

The action plan must be well established and understood locally in order to achieve legitimacy. This legitimacy is crucial for the implementation of the measures and for the plan to achieve the desired results.

The action plan, meaning individual measures and measures taken together, must be knowledge-based, rapid, proportionate (see cost/benefit) and set clear objectives.

The action plan must describe the clear and potential negative consequences to the general public, business and agriculture in their use of the areas.

These consequences must be compensated for through generous and effective measures. The extent and strength of compensatory measures must reflect the consequences of measures aimed at improving the situation in Rondane.

The package of measures to improve the condition and compensatory measures must be determined simultaneously and in parallel.

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Measures that increase visitor attractiveness in peripheral areas as well as direct traffic in time and space should be exhausted before building renovation is considered.

Sel Up thought We understand the matter and reinforce the comprehensive approach of the Municipal Council of Celle. Unfortunately, our motion was voted down by such a narrow margin that the mayor had to use his double vote to pass the Center Party's motion. Sel Ap did not change our position.

We see the reader's post from Center Party candidates as a clear desire to politicize a non-political process by ending the post by asking questions about Sel AP's point of view. The deputy mayoral candidate from Sp knows this well with a cross-party proposal from Sel AP, SV and MDG. In the reader’s post, Let the elections count, you will not take them back (Reader’s entry debate | Let the elections count, you will not take them back (gd.no)) We wanted an organized and good election campaign without polarizing the discussions in a torrent, and we still do.

Monica H. Eddie, Vice Mayor Candidate for Sel Ap
Nils Kvaugen, Manager at Sel Ap

Dalila Awolowo

Dalila Awolowo

"Explorer. Unapologetic entrepreneur. Alcohol fanatic. Certified writer. Wannabe tv evangelist. Twitter fanatic. Student. Web scholar. Travel buff."

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