Discussion, wind energy | The match was a draw

Discussion, wind energy |  The match was a draw

comment This is a comment written by a member of the editorial board. The comment expresses the writer's point of view.

Let's imagine a boxing match:

In the blue corner We have a climate crisis. It is well documented and indisputable, even if we Norwegians are among them Most skeptical in Europe. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that solving the climate crisis is expensive, and that it may bring with it disadvantages and perhaps even a reduction in lifestyle for those of us who live in the most fortunate corner of the world.

In the red corner We have the natural crisis. It is well documented and indisputable, and in many ways it amplifies the climate crisis, just as the climate crisis amplifies the nature crisis. For example, developing forests and swamps will store less natural carbon dioxide. Loss of species diversity can also directly affect the food we eat. Therefore, nature protection is likely to be strengthened in the coming years.

Thus, we face two crises that potentially threaten the foundation of our existence and could displace large numbers of people. As a global community, we don't count on either boxer knocking out the other.

But we have to bear some of the bruises that each of them suffers.

The discussion of wind energy goes directly to this dilemma. Should Sarpsborg City Council allow the development of a forest area in Skiberg, thus reducing the characteristics of the forest, in order to bring in more clean energy to replace fossil fuels – which in turn will enhance the growth conditions of the forest in the long term? Or is nature so important disappearing that development cannot be allowed?

Politicians who did not take responsibility

Some time ago, I followed a session at Sarpsborg City Hall, where the municipal community director, Sigmund Pfister, addressed these broad lines. They are an increasingly powerful provider of local politics as well. The lecture was received by politicians in the Planning, Environment and Technology Committee.

The starting point for Pfister's presentation was the Climate Commission report, which he presented at the end of October last year. The report, “Transition to Low Emissions – Choosing a Path for Climate Policy to 2050,” was recently revised.

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Climate law It states that Norwegian greenhouse gas emissions must be reduced by 90 to 95 percent by 2050. Already in 2030, emissions must be reduced by at least 55 percent. The committee offers a wide range of proposals for policy priorities that could contribute to achieving these goals.

Three words from Pfister sum up the report well:

– The matter is serious, he told the politicians at the meeting I attended.

The starting point for cutting emissions is the 1990 level. But despite everything the world knows, Norway has not succeeded in reducing emissions to a certain extent since then.

Political neglect over thirty years means, in other words, that the mission must be done from now on. The captain's ceiling has become enormous and has already caused great noise and expressions of dissatisfaction.

It will only get worse if we continue to push the problems in front of us.

At the same time, this provides strong arguments for and against wind energy. It just depends on the arguments you choose to use

In the same meeting, the topic of the nature crisis was discussed. It will be important for Norway to build less nature in the future. The Norwegian Environment Agency has already proposed a ban in Norway on the construction of marshy areas. There is also reason to expect stricter forest protection in many places.

At the same time, this provides strong arguments for both to Wind energy and against Wind force. It just depends on the arguments you choose to use.

Energy deficit in four years

According to the “Kraftløftet” report, in which LO, NHO and the government collaborated, the Östfold industrial estate will need to increase energy production by 4.5 to 5 TWh in the years leading up to 2030 alone. That's nearly double what we produce today.

As early as 2028, Norway could end up in an energy deficit situation, according to Statnet forecasts.

Industrial companies currently use just under half of Östfold's electricity (43 percent). After Halden, Sarpsborg has the most energy-consuming industrial companies.

Many of these companies are now moving away from fossil fuels to electricity. They must do this, to avoid increasing the costs of carbon dioxide emissions, and to be able to compete in the international market. The low climate footprint will be a competitive advantage in the coming years.

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Read also

Now comes the energy debate: – Everyone wants energy, but no one wants power plants

This increases the need for renewable energy, along with potential new facilities, including the new Viken Park industrial park in Tofteberg in Nordre Borge.

If renewable energy production is not increased, there will be concerns NHO and LO believe that this may lead to the closure of traditional companies already within a few years. In addition, potential new industrial companies can find other places to establish themselves.

Wind, sun, water – and nuclear power?

Therefore, energy companies and authorities are working under great time pressure to improve the situation.

It is therefore easy to look at wind energy, which, thanks to its safe technology and the possibility of obtaining a relatively large amount of energy quickly, stands out as an energy source that can offset some needs in the shortest time.

According to Østfold Energi, water, which many people point out, has much less potential to generate new energy in Østfold. Most of them have been built. Solar energy does not have the same potential, and takes up much more space than wind turbines. However, solar panels can be placed on already built-up areas.

Some point to nuclear power, but this seems to be a long-term solution at best

Some point to nuclear energy, but that's it It seems like a long-term solution at best. Unilateral investment in nuclear energy In fact, it means continuing on the same path as before, and pushing the problems forward.

It doesn't solve anything. on the contrary.

The potential for one big increase

However, it also has potential in the short term. Sentif has i Study from last year It showed that it is possible to halve energy use in buildings in 2050 compared to 2023. The research institute believes there is potential of 13 terawatt hours until 2030 nationally.

It corresponds to production Size chart in Skjebergmarka.

The construction industry – which is struggling significantly – is demanding policy action in this area. It can keep industry going while at the same time securing jobs and reducing the need for energy development.

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But Enoki supplements from Enova Doesn't hit well. Fenugreek is a low-hanging fruit and there seems to be fairly little political interest in it.

Political accountability

At the public meeting on Wednesday, Motvind Ostvold will present several arguments for rejecting wind energy in Skibergmarka. Their arguments are not bad. They show support for the boxer in the red corner – the natural crisis.

But the boxer in the blue corner has to endure the blue road if he has his way, especially if he has his way in many places in the country. It can happen quickly.

For politicians, it is important to listen to Mayor Magnus Arnesen (H). He wants to have the broadest possible perspective, with as much input from as many actors as possible. This means that politicians can form an informed opinion about yes or no to operating wind turbines in an important offshore area.

A purely principled answer, whether yes or no to wind energy, will lead to misdirection anyway. Then it goes further than the red or blue boxer.

  • Follow the general meeting live on sa.no on Wednesday from 18.00:

A public meeting on wind energy plans is being held in Skjebergmarka on Wednesday. From 18.00 we broadcast live on sa.tv with guests before the plenary session with a panel discussion.

We will need land-based wind energy in Norway. So this does not mean that this development will come in Skjebergmarka.

Why can't wind power be built near areas that are already developed, for example the area around the crushing plant and the E6 area?

And not least: Why should hundreds of acres of forest be built for solar energy, when there are still large developed areas that could be used for that purpose?

There are also questions that elected representatives must ask to get answers.

Boxing is called “the noble art of self-defense.” In this battle between crises, we must rely on fighting the full 12 rounds, and it must end in a draw in the name of self-defense.

Hanisi Anenih

Hanisi Anenih

"Web specialist. Lifelong zombie maven. Coffee ninja. Hipster-friendly analyst."

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