Eivind Hellstrom, Cooking School with Trolls and Hellstrom

Eivind Hellstrom, Cooking School with Trolls and Hellstrom

The cooking show “Kokkeskolen” is being shown these days on TV 2, in which cooking school director Eivind Hellström (74) and his partner Trolls Svendsen (51) will teach their skills to twelve trainees.

When Nettavisen met with all the celebrities regarding the various promotions for the show, many of them revealed that they were very surprised by Hellström’s behavior.

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For most people who have had a relationship with the famous chef, they know that he can seem stern and angry at the same time. Thus, the celebrities were well prepared to take a lot of jabs from him during their engagement.

Disappointed with the behavior

Among others, actor Christopher Olsen (38) told Nettavisen during the show’s premiere that he was looking forward to Hellstrom reprimanding him.

According to the 38-year-old, this is how Hellstrom gives appreciation and “sees you.” However, it turned out, to Olsen’s great disappointment, that Hellstrom was happy and content.

-I was surprised at how soft Eyvind was. “I thought he was going to be tougher and scream more, but he was soft and cuddly,” Olsen said.

Comedian Jonas Leehaug, 34, was prepared, like Olsen, to be slapped in the face, but told Netavsen he had never experienced that.

-I was shocked by how generous, kind and kind Eyvind was. “I think a lot of people have the impression of Eivind as a relatively angry man,” Lehaug told Netafsen.

The 34-year-old noted that Hellstrom only offered “tough” responses, but even then he had a sort of diplomatic air. He thinks Hellstrom is a very good teacher.

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Olsen and Leehaug also receive support from the rest of the participants, who were also surprised by the star chef’s humility and praised him as a good cooking teacher.

-He’s a really good boy and can talk about all kinds of weird things, but he also has a deep passion for food that shows. “It was really fun to get to know the other side of him,” influencer Hanna-Martin Slatland Baller (24) told Nettavisen during the first party.

Hellstrom: -Never get angry

Eivind Hellstrom explained to Nettavisen that he is rarely angry, but accepts that he can appear strict. On the other hand, he justified his “soft” behavior by saying that the recording had the perfect starting point to begin with.

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According to Hellstrom, the 12 participants stood at the starting line with clear commitment and seemed very interested in learning how to cook.

– Respect is important, but also interest in learning and absorbing knowledge, and what is better for a teacher than that, said Hellström regarding the first ceremony of the programme.

– It was about all the participants and the interest they had. He added that they showed genuine kindness, especially the willingness to stand up and participate in competitions.

Someone with a lot of emotions

When Netavisen met Hellstrom’s partner, Anita Renan (43), she made no secret of the fact that she agreed with the participants that her boyfriend was an emotional person.

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– He moves easily and is very involved in everything he gets into, he is always one hundred percent involved with both the skin and the hair, and then all kinds of emotions are present, she said.

Even the star chef finds it okay to show emotion, especially when he gets it in return, in the case of “Cooking School.”

“I asked myself why I understand that, and it’s because there’s a lot of emotion and crying and tears and it’s simply real stuff, not something assumed or staged,” Hellstrom said.

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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