Election 2023, Labor Party | He asked the Prime Minister to stay away. Then he got a text message.

Election 2023, Labor Party |  He asked the Prime Minister to stay away.  Then he got a text message.

On Thursday, Richard Storvik made national news when he asked Prime Minister Jonas Gerstor to stay away from campaigning in Bergen.

– We have only one week left of the election campaign, and we don’t need Oslo’s help. We have 17 percent support in the polls in Bergen. Pity, He told VG.

However, on Sunday, the Prime Minister made an appearance here in the city. An outspoken local politician and trade unionist tells BA that the VG quote about the Oslo denial was made in context.

– It is not wrong to talk to the grassroots

– What I said a while ago didn’t come out: I said it’s hard to focus on national issues when the party leader debates get so much attention in the national media. A local election campaign with national issues on everything from commuter housing to travel fares has little traction. He says what everyone wants is to see Rune Bakerwick defeat Christine Meyer in a debate.

He clarifies:

– I never said that the store is not welcome in Bergen. If he comes here to listen to the grassroots people, it is positive! He says.

The lawsuit comes after the government went from crisis to crisis throughout the summer. Briefly, they can be summarized as follows.

  • Culture Minister Anette Trettebergstuen had to resign due to a merits case.
  • Labor vice-chairman Donjay Brenna had to apologize after offering a board position to a friend.
  • SP vice-president Ola Borden Moe resigned as minister after the share-buying scandal.
  • Foreign Minister Anniken Huitfelt had to admit to a breach of integrity after her husband’s share purchase.
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Plastic cleaning and K5

So on Sunday, the store appeared in the Bergen area. First he participated in a plastic cleanup in Oigarden, before going to Arna to pledge 300 million to the K5 project. The trip then knocked on doors in Bergen West, more precisely Watmira.

This day’s show is “just enough at the bottom” for Storwick.

– Taking plastic out of the orchard is one of the best things you can do. And knocking on doors is the best way in the world to meet grassroots people, so it’s very inside. Storr is a reflective man and not removed from reality, says Storrvik.

Jonas Kahr Storr tells BA that he contacted Storvik after the VG release.

– We are getting along well. “I understand that he has a lot of commitment and that’s been expressed,” he says of Storvik’s statement.

Head of department of Storevik Fellesforbundet 5. In the election, he is in the overall seat of Bergen of Ap, the city council may lose power after the election on September 11.

– If there’s one person I’ve heard a lot about, it’s Richard Storvik. There is a union leader I enjoy listening to, says Storr.

A partner

Describes Storvik as a “comrade”:

– It is common among guys to talk to them before talking to you. It is also normal to have some differences of opinion and differences of opinion among companions. When he surrounds himself with local Ap people and talks to people in Bergen, I think it can’t be wrong.

– Who was contacted first? Is it you or him?

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– He. We texted. He is better at calling than I am. So I have a chance to progress there, says Storvik.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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