Elleville speculations about the princess

Elleville speculations about the princess

Many may have been surprised during last Saturday’s Eurovision final, when a familiar face suddenly appeared.

Last year’s winner, Kalloch Orchestra was pleased to open the show, but during the overture, Princess Kate herself (41) appeared on screen.


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The princess was surprised by a piano performance in honor of Ukraine, this year’s host country.

A piano performance at Windsor Castle was reportedly recorded earlier this month, but now people have turned to the princess with a critical eye.

Neither Mart Bratberg nor Denis Siva went to see Farmin Kindis. Now someone can reveal the reason for rejecting the farm adventure. Reporter: Thea Hope. Video: Selena Morquin / Rod Looper.
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However, in the aftermath of the broadcast, several people came out and said Kate didn’t really play the piano.

Many piano enthusiasts are convinced that the 41-year-old was only pretending to play.

Respond to accusations

Respond to accusations

“Kate didn’t play. They just faked it. Her fingers weren’t even on the right keys. Anyone who knows a piano would notice,” one person writes on Twitter.

The Internet reacts after this stunt. Video: BBC/Eurovision
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Another wrote that it was painful to watch. Many agree that the voice does not match the princess’s piano playing.

However, there are others who choose to stand up for the princess.

And the viewers got angry: - Embarrassed

And the viewers got angry: – Embarrassed

“I’m a piano teacher. It’s very possible that she played, and they filmed it, but then the video and audio weren’t in sync.”

Eurovision winner Alessandra Meili had problems with her voice before the final. Video: Dagbladet TV
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Many also mention that Kate has been playing the piano for several years now.

Neither the royal family nor Eurovision have commented on these allegations.

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Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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