England may experience record heat

England may experience record heat

British authorities are urging their citizens to take care of themselves during a potentially life-threatening heat wave. At the same time, the government is asking people to “enjoy the sun”.

It is better to swim when it is hot in the sun. In the coming days, the people of Great Britain will have to stay in the shade, the island’s authorities insist.

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According to Yr, tomorrow and Tuesday it will be up to 24 degrees in Oslo. Occasional showers are possible on Tuesday. It will become clear tomorrow.

London will record 35 degrees tomorrow; They report 36 degrees for London weather on Tuesday.

They say the British are facing a heat wave own officers Can give temperature up to 40 degrees. Britain’s record temperatures could drop. It is 38.7 degrees and was measured in Cambridge in 2019 Guardian.

– Limit alcohol consumption

In a press release sent out on Friday, authorities on the North Sea recommend that you first take extra care and look after people who are struggling to keep themselves cool and hydrated.

– The press release states that the elderly, those with underlying medical conditions and those living alone are particularly at risk.

Also, they recommend that you get plenty of fluids, but:

– Limit alcohol consumption.

You can read all the tips here Here.

In England hand fans are used underground.

– Not that kind of weather

It is the first time British authorities have issued a level four warning since the UK’s heat wave program was introduced in 2004. Heat carries a risk of serious illness and death. announced From the Met Office, equivalent to the UK’s Met Office.

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Ambulances are ready.

Many prominent leaders on the island stress the importance of taking care of themselves and others in the coming days.

– We use the warm weather in this country as an opportunity to enjoy life in the sun. Professor Penny Endersby, General Manager of the Met Office, says:

The Met Office is the UK equivalent of the Norwegian Meteorological Agency.

He adds that it’s the first time they’ve had a 40C weather forecast in the UK.

Dr. Agostinho Sousa says the following about the heat wave:

– Next week, UK temperatures will reach record highs. Make sure vulnerable people, family, and neighbors stay hydrated, cool, and know how to keep their homes cool.

He is Head of Serious Incidents and Healthcare at the UK Health Security Agency.

“Enjoy the Sunshine”

Although health officials are turning on the warning lights, the government seems to have a more relaxed approach to it all.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Boris Johnson missed a heatwave-related crisis meeting at the Prime Minister’s Office in London. This was due to a weekend break at his country house where he hosted a farewell party for friends on Sunday. Johnson steps down in September.

Deputy Prime Minister Dominic Raab is encouraging the use of sunscreen and urging people to stay hydrated and stay out of the sun during hot weather.

– We should enjoy the sunshine. And we need to be resilient enough to handle some of the pressures that arise, says Rod to Sky News.

Tracey Nicholls, head of the England Ambulance Service, reacts to the Deputy Prime Minister’s comments.

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– It’s not the typical heat that you can protect yourself with sunscreen. It’s intense heat that can actually cause death, Nichols says.

Nice weather in Norway

Warm air will also reach Norway, reflected in 40 degree weather forecasts over the North Sea. But the thermometer is not so high in this country.

According to Martin Granerød, Norway will have warm weather next week. He is a meteorologist working for the Norwegian Meteorological Institute.

– In southern Norway, Tuesday and Wednesday will be the best days with temperatures between 25 and 30 degrees.

In the north of the country, heat from southern Europe will arrive over the weekend.

– In Nordland, Wednesday and Thursday are the warmest days, with temperatures above 25 degrees. In the far north, it will be warm in Finnmarksvita and eastern Finnmark with 25 degrees on Thursday and Friday, Granerod says.

Summer has been cool in Bergen so far. The week will be warmer, with temperatures reaching 24 degrees on Tuesday and 23 degrees on Wednesday. Otherwise it will be below 20 degrees throughout the week.

Not hot in Norway, but warm

Because of this hot air, Norway is not as hot as the UK. Granerød says there are many reasons for this, but there are two main reasons why it’s cold in Norway.

– One, the ocean absorbs heat better than the land. Warm air from Great Britain must cross the North Sea to reach Norway. Warm air from the south should be over the Skagerrak. Second, he explains that solar radiation is stronger in southern Europe than at our latitudes.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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