Eurovision, Kim Wigard | Kim Wigaard reveals a prestigious assignment: – Very luxurious

Eurovision, Kim Wigard |  Kim Wigaard reveals a prestigious assignment: – Very luxurious

Twin brothers and artist duo Markus and Martinus Gunnarsson (22 years old) won the “Grand Melody Junior Prize” in 2012 and have since achieved great success in this country. They also achieved this in Sweden.

They recently won Melodifestivalen 2024 with the song “Unforgettable”, which means the Norwegian twin duo will represent Sweden in the Eurovision Song Contest to be held in Malmö in May.

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Since the boys will be representing Sweden, not Norway, it is expected that there will be a Swedish team standing around them in the final. But that is not the case.

Coaches Marcus and Martinius

When Netavisen met singer and conductor Kim Wigard, 36, in connection with a preview of the musical The Sound of Music this week, he was able to reveal that he is the twin brothers' singing coach.

-I've been their coach for eight years. So I will go to the semi-finals and finals and coach them. I think it's so great that they're finally getting their place, he told Netavicin.

The fact that the boys would represent Sweden, not Norway, sparked strong reactions. Many also asked questions about Swedish participation.

Among other things, Maria Ludvigsen, an entertainment commentator for Netavisen, said she was disappointed with the elections.

When asked who Wigard hopes will win this year, he responded as follows:

-So, I'll try not to be a democrat, but I have a very close relationship with Marcus and Martinus.

– I think it's really cool that they actually won in Sweden. And since I'm there for them, of course I'll encourage them, he admits.

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It also supports Norway

However, Vegard stresses that he also supports Norway's contribution, but believes it will be difficult for his country to reach the top five.

– I also support Gåte. I think it's a great song and a good contribution, but I'm not sure if we'll make the top five. I'm not, but it would be interesting to see that, he says.

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Wigaard was, among other things, a guest referee in the Dolphins final in which Gåte participated. He thought that the band would suit and suit the big stage such as Melodi Grand Prix and Eurovision.

-Gåte has been in demand by fans for many years. And now they are in the theater and wearing big clothes. It's fairly primitive Norwegian, and I think you can feel it. He says they resemble Vikings in a new way, without having to wear a Viking helmet and horns.

-And Gunhild sings well. I think it will be exciting, and of course I hope Norway goes far.

Share Israel

Israel's participation in Eurovision has generated a great deal of attention in recent months, and many have called for a boycott or organized demonstrations against Israel's participation. The background is the war in Gaza.

What Wigard himself thinks, he has a clear answer to:

– Therefore, my opinion is that they should withdraw themselves. “To be completely honest,” he says.

As previously mentioned, there have been several demonstrations recently, and Wiegaard fears that riots could soon occur in Malmö on the Eurovision weekend.

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– There has to be a lot of security there, so to speak.

I think Sweden is ready

The 36-year-old believes and hopes Sweden will take this into consideration.

– I think they prepared for it, and it is also in Malmö. It's a city where there's been a lot of crime, and there have been some riots and the like before. He says: I hope things go smoothly and that the session is peaceful.

– But maybe we have to be prepared because there might be a little pressure there. I think so, he continues.

-Are you going to take any action yourself regarding these riots?

-I will be there and support the guys in doing their job. I think security and police also care about everything that happens outside, says Wigard and continues:

– I'm also looking forward to it, it's my first time participating in Eurovision. In both the semi-finals and final. So for me, everything is perfect!

Ashura Okorie

Ashura Okorie

"Infuriatingly humble web fan. Writer. Alcohol geek. Passionate explorer. Evil problem solver. Incurable zombie expert."

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