– Everyone can be stupid – VG

– Everyone can be stupid – VG
ROPPER: Christopher Cessinando Carlson at the 2017 Spellman Prize in Oslo.

The theft suspect Cecinando (26) is on the poster during several festivals and events this summer.


Cecinando Admitted serious theft. He Is charged The luxury furniture and interior five luxury theft and confession case is due to appear on May 16 in Oslo District Court.

According to VG, Cecinando was involved in five theft trials in January, February and March 2021, where he and others stole 380,000 kronor worth of designer furniture.

Says to NRK His bodyguard, Mete Yvonne Larson, was charged with felony criminal mischief for failing to reconsider his position.

Cecinando is on the poster during the Steinker Festival at the end of June. No change required.

– So far, we are definitely quiet because we do not know the details of the case, says festival director Sweeney Bjorge Vijay.

He did not know about the case until he read it on Vijay on Friday.

– But what we understand from what Cecinando has said so far is that the festival director adds that he regrets admitting that he was involved.

– Everyone can be stupid, and Cecinando clearly understands what he did and is ready to accept punishment. We think it’s over. His performance at the Steinker Festival should have nothing to do with it.

– Do you want to say something about theft that deserves the phrase “fool yourself”?

– I do not want to describe more than I have already done, Bejorge replies.

The 26-year-old has previously said he was sorry, through his bodyguard Mete Yvonne Larson.

– He acknowledged all the circumstances and expressed deep regret for the present events N.R.K. In March.

Neither Larson nor Cecinando’s manager Silje Larson Bourgen responded to VG’s inquiries on Friday.

Police Attorney Nora Eic-Nielsen did not want to comment on Cecinando’s confession.

Festival Manager: Svein Bjørge at the Steinkjer Festival during a meeting with VG in 2004.

Cecinando is one of the highlights of the Lies Netter Festival in Mosul in June. VG was told by press conference by Martin M. Sørhaug that the performance of the accused artist was good.

– We have not heard of this case before reading about it on VG, but Sørhaug says we will contract and drive as planned.

– Our immediate reaction is that we live in a state governed by the rule of law, and things are happening. You can get a verdict and then you will get forgiveness, he adds.

(The article continues below the video)

S தெரிந்தrhaug says the case was discussed internally at the Lyse Netter management after it was discovered Friday that the award-winning artist has been indicted.

– We had a quick conversation around the table, so we’re ready to finish. First and foremost, Cecinando is an amazing artist and we look forward to seeing it on stage on June 11th.

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The press did not expect a negative reaction to the decision.

– No, we do not do it on a large scale.

– What do you think if Lies Netter did not know before this case was known?

– This is new information, but the situation remains the same. I think everyone should get another chance, Sørhaug responds.

VG has been in contact with Cecinando’s record company Universal. Mary Komisar, A&R Director & Local Head of the Record Company, responded that she did not wish to comment on the theft case.

Other festivals and events listed by Cecinando include Stavanger, Bergenfest and the National Convention in Over Oslo. Viji did not succeed in communicating with them.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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