Extends the charge to attempted murder and hate crime

Extends the charge to attempted murder and hate crime

A gay couple in their 20s are still receiving treatment in hospital after being stabbed and assaulted on Saturday night.

Police arrived at the scene on Saturday night.

A gay couple was stabbed on Tjuvholmen on Saturday night. Four youths were charged with grievous bodily harm.

On Wednesday, the four were charged with attempted murder and a hate crime.

– Changes were made due to information we examined, including medical information, says Marte Hegley.

He is a police inspector in the Oslo Police District.

Two 20-year-olds were also hospitalized on Tuesday. One underwent surgery for a stab wound. The condition is stable and they received help and medication at the hospital. Their legal aid lawyer, Sigurd Ihlen, told Aftenposten that they would be discharged from hospital on Thursday.

– They are severely affected, he said.

Two 17-year-olds were remanded in custody at Oslo District Court after being stabbed. One's jail term ends on Thursday. The other 17-year-old was remanded in custody until Saturday.

Ask for two weeks imprisonment

The police want to extend the jail term of the duo by another two weeks. One 17-year-old will be arraigned on Thursday and the other on Friday.

– We want to imprison them for two more weeks, because we believe there is still a risk of destroying evidence and a risk of repetition, says Marte Hegley.

A total of four persons were convicted in this case. Apart from two 17-year-olds, there is also a 15-year-old and a 14-year-old. 14 is the minimum age of criminal conviction and cannot be imprisoned.

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– As for the 15-year-old, he turned 15 a while ago. When he was arrested, Hegley says his jail term was considered disproportionate.

A petition for release will be filed

Thomas Osith is the guardian of the 17-year-old. He did not want to comment on the case ahead of a prison meeting on Friday.

Thomas Skillbread is the guardian of the other 17-year-old. He will appear in jail again on Thursday. On Wednesday, Skilbred would not comment on the extended charges.

– My client will request release. Incarceration of juveniles should only be used as a last resort, says Skillbread.

– How does he face the accusation?

– He will say something about it at the prison meeting on Thursday.

Card A. Lear is the guardian of a 15-year-old boy. Optenposten spoke with him shortly before the charge was extended. Lear had a brief conversation with his client and could not say anything about how the 15-year-old relates to the case.

– My client agreed to be interrogated. That will probably happen on Thursday, Lear said Wednesday morning.

On Wednesday morning, Optenbosten tried to contact Sigurd Ihlen, the assistant prosecutor for the two victims — without success.

Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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