Farida (15) was sent to Afghanistan

Farida (15) was sent to Afghanistan

In 2015, Farida and her family were deported from Tokyo in the Norde Land to Kabul in Afghanistan. The Immigration Appeals Board said it was safe for the then nine-year-old girl and her family to return to their parents’ home country.

Since 2011, Farida and her family have been working with a group of women in Tokyo to return to Norway.

The support committee has now sent letters to all 169 MPs, in addition to Prime Minister Erna Solberg.

In that letter they write: “We thought Norway was a state governed by law, but we would like to raise some questions for Farida after seeing the challenges and consequences of tightening asylum policy.”

Farida in Turkey (15): – I do not think I will survive the flight from Afghanistan

– Unfair

Katherine Fossen is part of the Rosenberg support group and says she cannot accept Norway handling the case.

He tells TV2 that the party’s political considerations should take precedence over international obligations, and that it is very strange that we should ensure that.

Moreover, in the case of Farida, the support group writes that Norway sees its own national solutions rather than following the refugee conference. They point to Justice Minister Monica Maland in February As stated at the start Norway is not obliged to follow the UN recommendations.

How can we in Norway decide that we should be tougher than the UN says, and we decide that too, Rosenberg says.

Farida’s case has now been appealed to a human rights court in Strasbourg, and they now need to assess whether Norway violated human rights by sending Farida and her family back to Afghanistan.

Absolutely not: Secretary of State Hilde Johann Barstad (H) denies that the refugee policy is too strict.

Absolutely not: Secretary of State Hilde Johann Barstad (H) denies that the refugee policy is too strict. Photo: Tommy Storehawk / TV2

Must be

TV2 contacted the Prime Minister’s Office, but was shown to the Ministry of Justice. Secretary of State for Justice Hilde Johann Barstad (H) believes the system is legally secure.

– We follow our international obligations and the Norwegian Supreme Court will assess how far those obligations go. Secretary of State for Justice Hilde Johann Barstad (H) says that we are associated with the highest court in Norway.

She denies that the refugee and asylum policy is very strict. Frp, Høre, Venstre, Krf, Senterpartiet and Arbeiderpartiet all entered the asylum settlement in 2015.

– There is agreement that in Norway we have a strict asylum policy and it is the job of the government to follow it.

– What is the future of Farida and family?

– Farida’s case closed in Norway.

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

"Music geek. Coffee lover. Devoted food scholar. Web buff. Passionate internet guru."

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