Farmers protest against income calculations – sleep outside the Storting – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

Farmers protest against income calculations – sleep outside the Storting – NRK Innlandet – Local news, TV and radio

– It would define agriculture for decades. We demand that we have the same opportunities as others.

This was told by the Norwegian Farmers and Small Farmers Association, Tor Jacob Solberg, to NRK.

He stands in front of the Storting tonight with many other farmers from all over Norway.

Many of them will sleep outside tonight.

Farmers dor Jacob Solberg

Solberg was disillusioned with the government's plan for farmers.

Photo: Stine Bækkelien / NRK

Farmers should vote on their future

Tomorrow, the Storting will vote on new income calculations for agriculture as part of a plan to boost farmers' incomes.

The figures recently agreed by Ap, Sp and Høgre mean that the farmer has to work 1,845 hours a year, compared to 1,700 hours for a wage earner – with an annual income of NOK 500,000 for both.

Photo of farmers with protest posters outside Storting.

On Wednesday evening, many farmers were outside the Storting to mark the occasion.

Photo: Stine Bækkelien / NRK

But many farmers disagree on the numerical basis presented to compare farmers' income with normal salary.

That is why many farmers have been protesting across the country recently.

A picture "Coffin" Outside Storting

Farmers hope tomorrow's decision will put a hook on the door for the Norwegian farmer.

Photo: Stine Bækkelien / NRK

– Solberg says it's inappropriate to demand that I work 145 hours more than anyone else in the country.

– What do you expect from politicians?

– Anything above 1,700 hours will not be accepted. He says we have to earn it like everyone else in society.

Watch the video marking out Storting:

Scrape a farmer's breakfast before Storting

The pre-Stording demonstrations already started on Wednesday morning.

Then the farmers' association canceled the traditional breakfast outside the Storting, instead exhibiting empty refrigerators.

– Guro Bjørnstad Heimly, communication advisor of the Norwegian Farmers' Union, tells NRK that we are replacing a good Norwegian farmer's breakfast with empty refrigerators to show that we are serious about having improvements on the statistical base.

Peasants revolt in Storting.

On Wednesday morning, Norway's farmers' union had set up empty refrigerators in front of Storting.


The statistical basis for this year's agricultural settlement is that Storting will vote on Thursday. It determines how much support farmers will get from the state in the next year.

– Heimli says that we do not want to serve breakfast when the business group in Storting makes a recommendation that does not take reality into account when measuring farmers' income.

PM:- Ready to see changes

In his address to the party this week, Vedam promised to work until Thursday around 1750 hours.

Prime Minister Jonas Gerstor (AP) today says the government has the political will to allow “decent money” to meet angry farmers.

– We have presented a good and balanced plan. Then I post that we can have discussions about this for hours. That could lead to an agreement being reached there, Storr said.

Farmers action at Sørlandsparken

Ahead of the Center Party's annual meeting in Aktor in March, Agriculture Minister Keir Pollestad met a large group of angry farmers.

Photo: Tom Nikolai Kolstad / NRK

– We are willing to look at adjustments, but I will leave that to the skilled negotiators here at Storting.

He refused to look at other parts of the agreement, including budget partners S.V. SV leader Kirsty Bergstow challenged Storr in Question Time today.

He believes hourly rate changes are “not enough”, and used farmers' own words when he asked for “honest figures” and warned farmers of “wind money”.

Inland App called an emergency meeting

The Inlandet Arbeiderparti have invited their politicians to a dialogue meeting on the farmers' solution tonight.

Lise Selnes, president of Innlandet Ap, justified the emergency meeting by saying that it was an issue of great interest among politicians and that dialogue was necessary.

– We want nothing more than to deal with the case before the Storting and to get feedback from the party organization about it, says Inlanded op leader Liz Selnes.

Liz Selnes in the Labor Party

Liz Selnes from the Inland Labor Party says the emergency meeting will deal with the farmers' solution.

Photo: Labor Party

The meeting ended at 20.30. Celness says that people in the party were allowed to express their opinion and ask about things.

– He says it was clear among the majority that it was important to reduce the number of hours.

Celness says they're crossing their fingers for a better outcome.

Demonstrations at E6

The Small Farmers Union has announced that large-scale demonstrations will be held in many places in the country in the next 24 hours.

At 20:00 on Wednesday, a tractor convoy goes on the E6 from Soknedal and south to Berkåk, Mona Granmo from Soknedal tells Adresseavisen.

A local symbol of the large demonstration organized by Smabruggerlaget in Eindhoven Place, where the Labor Party and the Center Party joined forces with the Right and Liberal Party to secure a numerical majority.

That's what Småbrukarlaget writes on its homepage.

17.04.2024, at 17.35 hrs

17.04.2024 at 21.49 hrs

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Joshi Akinjide

Joshi Akinjide

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